Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A World Divided - 1: Cranking-up Pettiness?

A World Divided - 1: Cranking-up Pettiness?

Despite all the advances in science and technology to which individuals from around the world have contributed, despite World Wars fought to uphold the dignity of man, despite the League of Nations and the United Nations, it remains a world divided.
Despite scientific evidence that man spread from Africa around the world and all differences evolved were climatic and circumstantial, despite the pleas of noble souls who walked this earth that all men are created equal, it remains a world divided.
The self-serving, even in today's supposed-to-be modern world, crank up pettiness to divide people for their own immediate benefit - with no thought of the consequences to others or the world.

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The World's Most Forgotten Dictum

The World's Most Forgotten Dictum

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!
That dictum for peace and goodwill among people was propagated by the noblest souls who walked this earth.
But, today, what's the world becoming? A place where lies are propagated as truth and truth as lies - where the heartless cheat, brag and bully to promote their own selfish agendas, damaging the noble ideals on which countries were founded, turning people against people, country against country?

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.


Friday, January 25, 2019

Lighting the Way to a United World!

Lighting the Way to a United World!
The French Revolution proclaimed the humanitarian ideals of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
Today, despite great advances in science and technology, the world is in disarray! Instead of further progress in civilizing the bigotry of unscientific mindsets and selfishness for immediate, short-term gains divide countries and people. In this 21st Century we ignore the Humane Values that can Unite people on this one earth we share!
I had seen India achieve Independence. And I had seen some of the problems the country faced from the outset. But, always, I had believed India had the talent and resources to rise...and join the world's elite developed nations. But talents were often misdirected and resources misappropriated. I wanted to find ways to overcome pettiness, malice, people-dividing mindsets, so that India could rise to full potential as a united, progressive modern the same time, light the way for every aspiring country to rise and join the world's truly modern nations. I scribbled ideas for a novel on the theme. After graduating from medical college in north India and marrying, my wife helped me on the novel. She typed my scribbles on a typewriter and discussed ideas with me. In time, over the years, she typed a 450-page tome. Years after she passed away I took it up again at my son's place in Oregon, bearing the pain of losing loved people including a daughter, and condensed it to 140 pages.
Instead of trying to find a publisher my son suggested I put it on Amazon books. From there readers around the world have downloaded the e-book or got a print copy (with bigger type-size, if required, for easier reading) home-delivered by Amazon. 
That in short is the story of writing our inspiring, futuristic novel called Dreams of One Country.
(All future rights - for translation into languages, publishing, movie script etc. - remain with me.)

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

On Writiing a New 'Unite-the-World!' Novel: Why? How?

On Writing a New 'Unite-the-World!' Novel: Why? How?

In my earlier blog Story of a Story: Tomorrow's United Rainbow of Nations! I had stated the forward purpose of the theme of the novel Dreams of One Country: That India's inspired ascent to join the developed elite nations lights a way of Hope for many countries, which could lead on to building a peaceful, humane world: a truly progressive rainbow of nations, helping each other when needed! Tomorrow's united world!
In fact, the League of Nations after World War I and the United Nations organization towards the end of World War II were both set up as foundations for building a peaceful, united and developed world. However those hopes remain unfulfilled. The countries of the world remain divided. Within countries  people remain divided. Acquiring wealth by any means remains priority objective. Walls within walls. And despite man's fantastic progress in varied fields of science and technology in the 20th and 21st centuries, including space exploration, old mindsets haven't changed.
Surely, human intelligence that made such amazing scientific progress possible can overcome people-dividing ideologies and fanaticism to build Tomorrow's World of developed nations. United. At peace. Sharing progressive objectives. Promoting the ideas of our shared humanity. And helping each other when needed. That in short is why I'm writing a new novel tentatively titled Dreams of One World.

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The World's 'Me-Too' Chorus!

The World's 'Me-Too' Chorus!

'Me-Too' flies worldwide! Obviously, the causes that led to the 'Me-Too' chorus are across the world. But they remained under wraps. Till now. So all those folk around the world - the prime movers who unintentionally (and shamelessly?) unwrapped the wraps - deserve tremendous credit. International award! Maybe something like a Nobel...for, unintentionally, benefiting all mankind!
And now with 'Me-Too' going round the globe, wouldn't it be interesting to crown a world champion? From all those across the big wide world who show no signs of shame though more 'Me-Too' fingers are pointed at them? However, since it's not a sport, it cannot be included in the Olympics. So how do we go about selecting a world champ? Say, every four years.
Fairly. Honorably.
Big issue! Big question!
Think hard and see if you get a bright idea. Who knows, this may be your best fame!

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Times and I - (Part 3)

The Times and I - (Part 3)

In my third year in medical college I went home to Bombay for holidays and saw a Times of India ad inviting applications for training in journalism. By then the original British publisher of Times Group  had been bought over by a major Indian company. For fun, I applied. I sent in cuttings of articles and stories I had published in newspapers and magazines (one of the diversionary tactics I was busy with in medical college), including Times Group publications. I was called for an interview. The business head of the company did not ask me any questions. He just said I was selected. I told him I was in the third year of medical college and had applied hoping I could have a weekly column in the Times. He said he was not authorized to do that, but I could join as a trainee next day. I thanked him and walked out of a professional journalist's career.


Ms. Jagjit Daniel's Dreams of One Country. Novel: United States of India Rises! In the midst of historic events a Love-inspired woman's campaign for Humane Values launches India's ascent... to join the world's elite developed nations!


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Times and I - (Part 2)

The Times and I - (Part 2)

Later, however, my contacts with the Times continued. My father wanted me become a doctor. He felt that was the best way I could help the family. Those days the middle class choices of career were medicine, engineering or, at worst, law. I had no such interest. I was busy through junior college and medical college in a rare variety of diversionary tactics (more on that later), which included writing freelance humor and short stories. They were published in Times of India, Indian Express, Midday, Femina, Shankar's Weekly, Thought etc.
One of the Times Editors, the one who wrote a humorous third editorial, M. V. M., became a friend. I would drop in on him whenever I went from medical college to Bombay for holidays. Depending on when I met him, we would go to the 1st floor of the VT Station for lunch or to the Excelsior Cinema's open air restaurant for coffee - and discus the latest  scientific discoveries or writing.

Ms. Jagjit Daniel's Dreams of One Country. Novel: United States of India Rises! In the midst of historic events a Love-inspired woman's campaign for Humane Values launches India's ascent... to join the world's elite developed nations!
