Monday, June 22, 2020

Mature Leaders Unite People, Immature Divide!

Mature Leaders Unite People, Immature Divide!
Yes! For their own benefit, the immature try to turn people against each other. They try to corrupt the countries top down. They try to rise on self-praise and bake their own news. At the cost of the country they take steps, even seek to pass laws, making a mockery of democracy. In due course they also tend to prove incompetent. They retard progress and development of their peoples and countries. Not that they care! In selfish pursuit of success they arouse Meanness among their supporters and disunite the country, turning sections of people against each other. Arousing the worst instincts does incalculable harm to the future and progress of their own countries.
In contrast mature leaders unite peoples. They focus on everyone striving together and contributing to the progress of their countries. And, even, other parts of the world!
(Readers ideas on the above topic are welcome!)
Dreams of One Country by Ms. Jagjit Daniel (Amazon Kindle: e-Novel: A novel in search of reputed print publishers): Set in tumultuous times of fairly recent history, a story of dreams and hope, of love and loss, of a 'United-We-Rise' youth campaign that inspires the people and launches India's amazing ascent to join the world's top progressive a highway for all developing countries!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Does Covid-19 Ask: Can Your World Be Truly Civilized?

Does Covid-19 Ask: Can Your World Be Truly Civilized?

Does Coronavirus also say:
In 2020 I have crossed every border on earth, both natural and man-made.
My message is: This is one world! Humanity Unite...To Solve Your Problems! 
But despite all man's advances in science and technology...
Despite claiming to be followers of the noble souls who walked this earth...whose essential message for all humanity is Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You...
And, routinely, you go through all symbolic steps to honor those noble souls...
It's meaningless if man still discriminates against man for reasons like creed, country, skin color etc.!
Indeed, how then can your world claim to be truly civilized?

(Readers ideas on the above topic are welcome!)
Dreams of One Country by Ms. Jagjit Daniel (Amazon Kindle: e-Novel: A novel in search of reputed print publishers): Set in tumultuous times of fairly recent history, a story of dreams and hope, of love and loss, of a 'United-We-Rise' youth campaign that inspires the people and launches India's ascent to join the world's top progressive the highway for all developing countries!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country