Showing posts with label NOT-SO-FUNNY WORLD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NOT-SO-FUNNY WORLD. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Is a World of Hope possible?

Heart-lifting 'India Rises' Novel! Dreams of One Country (Amazon): Youth's unique campaign on Humane Values amid crises, inspired by a Moviescopic Love Story, powers India's ascent as an Elite Modern Nation!
Is a World of Hope possible?

Of course, it's possible! It can happen when the people on this one earth we share realize that the future of mankind is a common cause, regardless of the differences in language, beliefs etc. Every past revolution and adoption of democracy by countries, and formation of the United Nations have all had that aim. In practice, however, none of that has helped evolve a united humanity that shares and cares for each other!
Despite all the scientific advances, there's still a long way to go for mankind to learn Humanity



Thursday, November 23, 2017

A World of Hope

Heart-lifting 'India Rises' Novel! Dreams of One Country (Amazon): Youth's unique campaign on Humane Values amid crises, inspired by a Moviescopic Love Story, powers India's ascent as an Elite Modern Nation!
A World of Hope
It's amazing how much man has advanced in science, in his understanding of the earth and the universe.
And it's amazing that - despite those advances - how disunited, how lacking in common purpose, how disharmonious the inheritors of this one earth of ours is today.
Despite the centuries gone and the lessons of history, people continue to imagine their own superiority over others - their superiority in thinking. And in their beliefs. They continue to look down on others and spread divisiveness and disharmony.
People have still to realize that all the differences in appearance, language etc. are just the result of where they live on this common earth.
People have still to accept that a world of hope can only be built by sharing and caring for each other, and helping each other in times of need.

Indeed, A World of Hope will be a world united by its inhabitants...who share and care for each other, and help each other in times of need. And also, yes, protect the health of the earth we share.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Hurricane-after-Hurricane, USA.: Nature's SkyLit Warnings!?

Hurricane-after-Hurricane, USA: Nature's SkyLit Warnings!?

Hurricane Harvey spread devastation without in any way discriminating among different peoples living in Texas. Since then Hurricane has followed Hurricane. Are they just a Coincidence - or Nature's SkyLit Warnings on Global Warming?

Of course, people concerned only about their own immediate gain will ignore such warnings!


Dreams of One Country, Ms Jagjit Daniel's MovieScopic India Novel. The book my wife Jagjit and I worked on together also has some memorable scenes of Bombay and India in British times and World War II. It's now available for Print Copy delivered to you by Amazon - apart from e-download. Dreams is a story set in the midst of historic national upheavals like the Emergency, of a Love-lit youth campaign that launches India's long delayed, talent-led join the world's progressive nations.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tech Outstrips Humane Values

Tech Outstrips Humane Values

In Ms. Jagjit Daniel's fact-fiction novel, Dreams of One Country, a Love-lit woman's campaign for Humane Values - in the midst of fairly recent nationwide upheavals - inspires India to rise united to join the world's most progressive nations.

In his book Journey of Man Spencer Wells, using DNA links traces man's origin in Africa and subsequent spread around the world - to India, Australia, Central Asia, the Arctics and Americas. And till today, despite all his technological and scientific achievements, man lags far behind in recognizing his oneness. Look around the world and, day after day, you'll see the disastrous consequences of this failure.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Who's Greater than Alexander?

Who's Greater Than Alexander?

Through times immemorial individuals have sought fame and fortune, often by spreading havoc over vast areas. Take Alexander of Greece in ancient times. On becoming a king in his teens, he decided to achieve greatness by spreading death and destruction in vast lands - sundering the lives of families in country after country. From India he finally turned back - of course, feeling tremendously great! Somewhere in India's north-west, possibly the Khyber Pass, he got malaria. From mosquito-bites. And he succumbed to it.

So the big question is: Who indeed is the greater? Alexander? Or the mosquito? No, you don't have to toss a coin to decide.
