(Acci)Dentally Yours (or How Dentistritis Can Leave You Toothless!)
So you have a painful decaying tooth. You go to a professional to deal with the problem. The professional pulls out the bad tooth. For cosmetic and other reasons the professional advises you to go for a cap to cover the empty space. You agree. The professional cuts the two good teeth on either side of the space and tapers them...in order to fit the cap. So now you look smart with a gold or silver cap shining in your smile.
In course of time mouth and food liquids enter the cap and the two cut teeth get infected and disintegrate. So the professional pulls them out. Now you have a three-tooth space that needs capping.
And you keep consulting the professional and that process goes on. Yes...till you have no more teeth to cap. So the professional equips you with dentures.
And then...having hit the jackpot as far as your dental care is concerned, the professional has no more interest in you. The party is over!
So what do you do?
Nothing. Just keep your dentures clean.
So sorry!
Next patient, please!