Showing posts with label Old Media-Published Humor!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old Media-Published Humor!. Show all posts

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Flying (Saucers And) Teacups!: Revisiting Old Humor...1

Flying (Saucers And) Teacups!: Revisiting Old Humor - 1

I wanted to blog abridged versions of humor I had published in the news media, starting with an edit page 'middle' in The Times of India some time in the 1960s titled Flying Teacups Over Gironde! That article was actually written in response to news reports of the sighting of flying saucers from different parts of the world. I felt those were either people mis-sighting planes, rockets etc. or publicity stunts. In light hearted response I wrote an imaginary news report of people sighting teacups (with handles) flying over an area of France called Gironde.
However, I couldn't find that article among my cuttings. So I plan to continue this blog series with my other media published humor.       
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