Thursday, August 26, 2021

Petty Minds Crave Petty Thrills That Ruin Countries!

                                 Petty Minds Crave Petty Thrills That Ruin Countries! 

World over...petty minds get thrills spreading nasty, malicious and heartless extremisms. Their people-dividing policies can derail progress and modernization of even highly talented, resourceful countries. For countries the frenzies that petty minds revel in are time-wasting, self-destructive...and can ruin any country even in this 21st century of vast scientific progress. Not that petty minds care!  They don't care if they leave behind a peaceless, unprogressive third world drifter.            Or?...Vice Versa!?

Vice Versa! Wise policies will unite all the people of the country, to make good use of their talents and build a great nation! In a truly humane and united world!


Books by Drs Ms  Jagjit &John Daniel: Doctor At Home: EastWest Books: Family Health Fitness Tips. Dreams of One Country (An Amazon Kindle e-novel or print copies): A far-visioned woman campaigns and unites youth to power India's talent-led ascent to join the world's leading developed nations!

 Click here to preview Dreams of One Country:                                                                                                                                          ***