Showing posts with label FUNNY WORLD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FUNNY WORLD. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2017

How Many Follies Make A Lifetime?

How Many Follies Make A Lifetime?

Of course, there are no limits.
Every day provides fresh opportunities to add to the tally!
Worse, of course, are follies that even decades later we don't realize were follies and regret them!


Ms. Jagjit Daniel's novel (Amazon): On Love! And Loneliness! And youth's rousing campaign for Universal Values...that launches their country's rise to the elite among Modern Nations!


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Going In Style: A Fun Movie!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
From Priya Jha's speech in the Spellbinding India Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books)  Love lights up an audacious young woman's united youth campaign for Humane Values that inspires India's real modernization Singapore's Heights!

Going In Style: A Fun Movie!

It's a long time since I saw a movie in a theater. And this was it. Going in Style. I found it outrageously funny. The three oldies making up the main cast of the film are Alan Arkin, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman. The location is New York city. Their bank wants their deposits, but are very unhelpful to them when they are in need. So they decide to teach the bank a lesson - by stealing from the bank what cash they need, in such a way that the bank has no idea how the money was heisted and cannot trace it - even though the FBI is called in.
The action goes crazy! Fun all the way till Finis!


Saturday, November 5, 2016

First International Time-Wasting Olympics

First International Time-Wasting Olympics

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.

Preparations have been going on for the first ever International Time-Wasting Olympics and the games are about to begin. Intense competition is expected from Fancy Phone Tap-Tappers, Expert Face-Driifters and Twitterbugs to decide the Gold, Silver and Bronze in prolific Time-Wasting. The hope of Organizers of this unique Olympics is that a few great winners will be discovered - who waste all twenty four hours of their day! Every day!
Astonishingly, India, a country with one of the highest poverty levels, has more competitors in this Olympic arena than the most developed countries. Bravo, India! Go for Gold!
