A World Divided - 9: If, in a Country...
If, in a country, children are afraid to go to school, the people must wake up and take the corrective steps needed...to progress as an enlightened nation.
If, in a country, narrow-minded, self-centered individuals lacking in core ideals promote divisiveness for their immediate gains, thus provoking other narrow-minded individuals, the people must unite to save their country from the short-sighted heartless dividers.
If, in a country, elections are used to discriminate against sections of people, only the united public response can ensure the country can rise as a truly modernized developed nation.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
https://www.amazon.com/Dreams- One-Country-World-class- Modernization/dp/152098944X/ ref=mp_s_a_1_fkmrnull_3? keywords=dreams+of+one+ country+jagjit&qid=1554134768& s=gateway&sr=8-3-fkmrnull
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Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.