Showing posts with label OLD BOMBAY MEMORIES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OLD BOMBAY MEMORIES. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Football Days in Old Bombay

Football Days in Old Bombay

As a schoolboy, on weekends or holidays, I would go from Dadar (by train or tram) to town and walk from Museum or past the Oval to Cooperage to see a football match. Senior league games were played there and - most important - the all-India Rovers Cup. The big teams those days was Trades which, I think, was later known as the India Culture League. The crowd's favorite player was sharp-shooter Thomas. When he got the ball within range of the goal the crowd would roar: 'Thomas!' Those days Thomas and most of the Indian players played bare-feet. Anglo-Indian and British players - like Leslie Woodcock and Burma Shell's Albert Middlecoat wore football shoes. 
For me as a schoolkid it was great fun watching those games, and I did not realize then that Indian football standards were poor.

Dreams of One Country, Ms Jagjit Daniel's MovieScopic India Novel. The book my wife Jagjit and I worked on together also has some memorable scenes of Bombay and India in British times and World War II. It's now available for Print Copy delivered to you by Amazon - apart from e-download. Dreams is a story set in the midst of historic national upheavals like the Emergency, of a Love-lit youth campaign that launches India's long delayed, talent-led join the world's progressive nations.


Monday, April 24, 2017

Memories of Juhu Beach: Old Bombay

Memories of Juhu Beach: Old Bombay

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
From Priya Jha's speech in the Spellbinding India Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books)  Love lights up an audacious young woman's united youth campaign for Humane Values, inspiring India's real modernization Singapore's Heights!
When we lived in Juhu near the beach I would go there at dawn for a run, come rain or sun. I would reach the main beach, then run back to where I could see Versova. There are descriptions of the beach in Dreams of One Country - like one on the exhilaration of running against the strong monsoon wind when the rain felt as sharp as needles on my face  One beach memory was an annual pre-monsoon event, a phenomenon no one understood. One morning all kinds of sea creatures - including sharks, eels and small whales - would be thrown up on the beach and would lie there flopping, scattered all over. No one understood why. And no one would pick any of the fish to eat. They felt they could be unhealthy. So the sea creatures would lie there and rot on the beach and the beach would stink for days.

Another memory of Juhu beach is the Air India plane crash in the latter 70's - after taking off from Sahar Airport about six miles away. It crashed into the Arabian Sea just off the coast. The plane had gone to the sea-bed. All passengers and crew had died. The plane had then floated up, and it could be seen from the beach on the horizon. Crowds of spectators came every day to see it...till it was removed for investigations into the cause of the disaster.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

India-Made Illusions 3: QualityTest

India-Made Illusions 3: QualityTest

That differentiating citizens as superior or inferior by caste in no way hinders India from becoming one of the most developed nations. No! Citizens are equal in developed countries like Denmark. This is a huge hurdle on our road to progress. Caste divisions are strong in villages. Even in cities there is a tacit acceptance of caste, specially when it comes to marriage. People's thinking must modernize for India to rise. 


To discover a new India where people come together as one to build a an enlightened nation - an India that could have been and still can be - journey through Dreams of One Country (Amazon Books).


Monday, March 21, 2016

India-Made Illusions 2: Dimocracy

India-Made Illusions 2: Dimocracy

That opting for Democracy and giving all citizens the right to vote makes a country a Democracy. No! What matters is what happens there in every day reality. A real Democracy is committed to defend the 'life and liberty' of every citizen without exception - including the poorest and weakest.

To discover a new India whose people rise to build a true Democracy - an India that could have been built and still can be - journey through Dreams of One Country (Amazon Books).


Sunday, March 20, 2016

India-Made Illusions 1: Corruptdom

India-Made Illusions 1: Corruptdom

C for corruption. That India will soon become a developed country - without rooting out the systemic corruption, from cops on the street to high officialdom.
The happiest country in the world today is the one that's most developed: Denmark. India lags way behind in development and on the happiness meter.

To discover a new India whose people rise against corruption to build the country on talent - an India that could have been built and still can be - journey through Dreams of One Country (Amazon).


Friday, March 4, 2016

Free India ki Lambi Kahani

Free India ki Lambi Kahani!

The major  problem in developing India to the level of the world's best-developed nations is India's divided heart. That obstacle was partly overcome during the freedom struggle. But once we revelled in freedom the country returned to the same state.
What divides India's heart? It's a state of mind (among many folk, not all) that necessitates looking down on other Indians - by money-worth (today it's showing-off houses, foreign cars, breed dogs, gold jewellery, clothes, mobiles etc., particularly in neighbourhoods), as well as language, region, religion, caste and other immature reasons. A compulsion that splinters India's heart into bits and continues to waste time in India rising to her true talent potential
India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

Facing India Realities!

Facing India Realities!

It's a mystery indeed! What does India want? What do her people want? Today? Tomorrow?  Do they want a state of Endless Turmoil? Or Peace and Real Development by wisely channeling their talents. How many of them have an idea of what a really developed country is? How many of them think of India's tomorrow? Can drifting from day to day on the whims of every day pettiness lift any country to the heights?

To seek world stardom India needs a bond of basic humanity to unite the people. No country whose people do not come together as 'one country' can become a truly developed society.
India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

India Must Rise!

India Must Rise!

No amount of pretending to be developed, no self-praise, no bragging, no propaganda - without doing hard, well-planned, long-term work at the ground level to change old conditions and attitudes - can lift a country to the heights.

India Must Rise on her Aiming High!
India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Why SeaLevels, Meanness Rise!

 Why SeaLevels, Meanness Rise!

The world's sea levels are rising due to global warming.

And the world's meanness levels are rising due to frozen mindsets.

India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

India BigShot 1: Billionaire!

India BigShot 1: Billionaire!

This is a true story. It proves that the easy way to become a billionaire in India is to Undo India. 
If you met the man in the early days you would notice that all he had was one tablet-making machine. To demonstrate his clout he would surely take you to the Drug Controller's Office. From the gate and up the steps of 4 or 5 storeys every staff member you passed would salute him. In his office the Drug Controller would stand up to greet him - like a long-lost brother.
If you gave it a thought and checked up (as I did...before I quit after a brief stint as his new product advisor), you would understand the nature of the business. The man bribed everyone from watchman up at the Drug Controller's Office. And with the Controller's approval he bought up poor quality or spurious drugs from other shady operators and supplied them to the government and municipal hospitals in the state.   
From that auspicious (ho! ha!) beginning the man built a drug company. Today he's a billionaire, looking for green pastures in the West.

Does that man ever stop to think how many lives or how many families he hurt or destroyed by supplying spurious drugs?

He rose by Undoing India. 

India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

India's Second Everest!


Yes, India has a second world-beater peak. Indeed, it's a physical peak - the Everest of showing-off. Before it showing-off cars (3-car owners looking down on 2-car owners; 2-car owners looking down on 1-car owners; everyone looking down on no-car owners), foreign brand clothes, breed dogs etc. to each other in the neighbourhood is nothing. It's a single family home that rises 25-stories on a Mumbai landmark, making it eligible for entry in the Guinness Book of Records.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Modern India Rope-Trick!!?

Modern India Rope-Trick!!?

How many times since Independence has an international agency, recognizing India''s talent potential, predicted that in the next ten to twenty years she would be the fastest developing country?

When will the people realize that only a just and caring society (not pretensions and showing-off; not propaganda and self-promotion) which upholds the basic ideas of humanity for all her people can become truly developed?
There's no easy Rope-Trick Climb to Development.
Failure to learn historic lessons makes it difficult for India to rise much higher than her  135th rank among 185 countries in the Human Development Index rating of UNDP. Obviously, growing economic or military power is not enough. That is why Russia, yesterday’s superpower and the first country to send a manned satellite into space (Yuri Gagarin in the first Sputnik) still remains a developing BRIC.

It's left to us to decide how long we want to remain a BRIC.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

India's Flying Draincovers!

India's Flying Draincovers!

Where my son lives in the US five 2-storey houses make a circle. And there's a common circular driveway. A drain manhole there has a heavy cast iron cover which says Made in India.
How did India-made draincovers fly West? What spurred exports? Well, it's a curious story. A Mystery. As well as History.
Under British rule the police were under English officers. Every city had cast iron covers over the manholes of drains. Then came Independence. British rule ended and the English left the country. The dawn of freedom. Soon the iron draincovers started vanishing, leaving gaping holes. When replaced they vanished again in a day or two. Slum-dwellers and other poor carried them away and sold them. People died stumbling into the holes in the dark or in rains.

A strange fact is that though Indians differ in language, clothes and  customs, the basic attitudes are similar across the country. So in city after city the draincovers vanished. And state after state decided to give up iron draincovers and use concrete covers instead.
The result was that the iron-cover manufacturers were hard-hit. Their manufacturing facilities fell silent. With no hope of getting business, they realized there was only one way to survive. They would have to explore and find an export market.

So...we must be ever-thankful to the draincover thieves for spurring unforeseen exports for the country.


Thursday, December 31, 2015

Your Winter's Sunny HeartWarmer

Your Winter's Sunny HeartWarmer

I wish A Most Happy New Year to all brave explorers wandering in Bloggyland!

On such chilly days you surely need a sunny heartwarmer - no less than a bodywarmer. But please don't overload on Scotch, rum etc. The side-effects may prove to be your year's biggest headache.

To be sure of highly beneficial effects only you can do no better than download Dreams of One Country by Jagjit Daniel (and John) from A preview? Click here: and then on the book's cover picture. In this panoramic history-based novel you will discover a heartwarming love story.......which inspires a virtual miracle: the heart-warming people's March to a united Ek Desh begin building a truly modern and enlightened country. A Century 21st nation!

Yes, it's left to each of us to help make those Dreams come true.

So here's wishing you all A Warmhearted Year too! 
