Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Football Days in Old Bombay

Football Days in Old Bombay

As a schoolboy, on weekends or holidays, I would go from Dadar (by train or tram) to town and walk from Museum or past the Oval to Cooperage to see a football match. Senior league games were played there and - most important - the all-India Rovers Cup. The big teams those days was Trades which, I think, was later known as the India Culture League. The crowd's favorite player was sharp-shooter Thomas. When he got the ball within range of the goal the crowd would roar: 'Thomas!' Those days Thomas and most of the Indian players played bare-feet. Anglo-Indian and British players - like Leslie Woodcock and Burma Shell's Albert Middlecoat wore football shoes. 
For me as a schoolkid it was great fun watching those games, and I did not realize then that Indian football standards were poor.

Dreams of One Country, Ms Jagjit Daniel's MovieScopic India Novel. The book my wife Jagjit and I worked on together also has some memorable scenes of Bombay and India in British times and World War II. It's now available for Print Copy delivered to you by Amazon - apart from e-download. Dreams is a story set in the midst of historic national upheavals like the Emergency, of a Love-lit youth campaign that launches India's long delayed, talent-led ascent...to join the world's progressive nations.


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