Today, despite great advances in science and technology, the world is in disarray! Instead of further progress in civilizing the bigotry of unscientific mindsets and selfishness for immediate, short-term gains divide countries and people. In this 21st Century we ignore the Humane Values that can Unite people on this one earth we share!
I had seen India achieve Independence. And I had seen some of the problems the country faced from the outset. But, always, I had believed India had the talent and resources to rise...and join the world's elite developed nations. But talents were often misdirected and resources misappropriated. I wanted to find ways to overcome pettiness, malice, people-dividing mindsets, so that India could rise to full potential as a united, progressive modern the same time, light the way for every aspiring country to rise and join the world's truly modern nations. I scribbled ideas for a novel on the theme. After graduating from medical college in north India and marrying, my wife helped me on the novel. She typed my scribbles on a typewriter and discussed ideas with me. In time, over the years, she typed a 450-page tome. Years after she passed away I took it up again at my son's place in Oregon, bearing the pain of losing loved people including a daughter, and condensed it to 140 pages.
Instead of trying to find a publisher my son suggested I put it on Amazon books. From there readers around the world have downloaded the e-book or got a print copy (with bigger type-size, if required, for easier reading) home-delivered by Amazon.
That in short is the story of writing our inspiring, futuristic novel called Dreams of One Country.
(All future rights - for translation into languages, publishing, movie script etc. - remain with me.)
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
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