The Drook
Now if you are one of those lucky people (like me) who own a drook here's how you can confound the repair men. Invest in some books on drooks. In particular Psychology and the Drook will help you in those tense moments when your one great desire is to kick your drook squarely in the procket. Keep a large-sized repair kit ready, especially spanners and a heavy hammer.
When your drook makes a gurgling sound and stops working, use the spanners to tighten the nuts. If that doesn't work tap the nuts with the spanners. Go on...with increasing force and frenzy. If in that process your drook roars into action thank your lucky stars. If that doesn't work sweat it out and hit the nuts with bigger and bigger spanners. And, finally, try a few injudicious swipes with your heavy hammer.
If even that fails you have only one option to avoid the repair-men. Call in the breakdown people and haul your drook to the nearest cliff. And that it hurtles down. At the cliff's bottom you will salvage enough metal to make yourself a nice little wad of currency. Aren't you lucky?
Then with a little assistance from the bank balance you can buy yourself a new drook, maybe a smaller one. Oh, what a wonderful reward for your labors!