Sunday, September 2, 2018

Asia's Singapore Vision: A Truly Modern India

Asia's Singapore Vision: A Truly Modern India

Can the Singapore Vision work for other Asian countries?
Certainly! Fair laws fully implemented will help countries break away from the self-defeating vicious cycle of corruption, bribery etc. even in elections that can impede the progress of any underdeveloped country. Fair laws fully implemented will help establish among the people unity despite diversity.
Of course, the changes will have to come on a much larger scale than in Singapore.
In Dreams of One Country (a novel describing how India Rises! (at present on Amazon; with print publishing, movie etc. rights available) where Priya Jha's rousing Humanitarian campaign inspires youth to unite and launch India's join the world's developed nations!


Monday, August 27, 2018

Why Asia Snails in Development

Why Asia Snails in Development

In the last 75 years - since the end of colonialism - how many Asian countries have joined the world's developed nations?
Singapore, certainly! The 4th most progressive place in the world, one ahead of the U.S. - which is ranked 5th. All due to the foresight and wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew. He strictly enforced laws to ensure people of different ethnic origins and faiths (Chinese, Malays, Indians etc.) without discrimination, lived in peace and contributed to the progress and prosperity of the city-state. The laws even cover hygiene in public places.And, for any misuse, the un-bribable Singapore police can mete out instant punishment with a cane.
Multi-storied buildings and international companies opening outlets to add to their profits don't make a developed nation. What's required is a transformation in attitudes of the country, so that the people learn to unite, to share and care for each other, to contribute to building an exemplary country.     
In Denmark, which tops the list of developed countries, taxes are high. But all education and medical care are free for every citizen.

Ms. Jagjit Daniel's novel Dreams of One Country: India Rises! (at present on Amazon; print publishing and movie rights available): The sensational story based in real historic events of Priya Jha's humanitarian campaign inspiring youth to unite and launch India's join the world's developed nations!


Friday, August 17, 2018

Back to Blogging!

Back to Blogging!

Returning to blogging after a break. I had problems with my old laptop. Finally, I got a new laptop. I would like to give you an idea of the kind of topics I'll be blogging on.
1. Lifetime experiences - both sad and happy; some showing how easy it is to hurt dear ones without even realizing it.
2. Shortened articles, humor, stories etc. published earlier in Indian newspapers and magazines like The Illustrated Weekly, Times of India. Some go back to the 1960s. By sheer chance my son found the missing 'cuttings' file during our recent 10-day trip to India.
3. Thoughts on World events.  

Ms. Jagjit Daniel's novel Dreams of One Country: India Rises! (at present on Amazon; print publishing and movie rights available): The sensational story based in real historic events of Priya Jha's humanitarian campaign inspiring youth to unite and launch India's join the world's developed nations!


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Windy Day Tune - in Oregon

Ms. Jagjit Daniel's novel Dreams of One Country: India Rises! (at present on Amazon; print publishing and movie rights available): The sensational story based in real historic events of Priya Jha's humanitarian campaign inspiring youth to unite and launch India's join the world's developed nations!


Wind Day Tune - in Oregon

There's music in the wind
And the trees are dancing
To one of the myriad tunes
That nature plays.
I'm leaving this place now.
But I hope to come back,
Come back here
Some other day.


Sunday, June 10, 2018

Need to Question Superstitions!

Ms. Jagjit Daniel's novel Dreams of One Country: India Rises! (at present on Amazon; print publishing and movie rights available): The sensational story based in real historic events of Priya Jha's humanitarian campaign inspiring youth to unite and launch India's join the world's developed nations!


Need to Question Superstitions!

Many of us acquire some superstitions from older people in our childhood. Superstitions are passed on from generation to generation, no questions asked. But superstitions crumble if they are questioned using scientific knowledge. Perhaps 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away,' was long ago an accepted superstition. Today, no one believes an apple a day is the perfect prescription to avoid falling ill!
Superstitious beliefs survive when we either don't care or don't dare to question them!


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

On Learning Major Life Lessons!

On Learning Major Life Lessons!

I have realized too late that many important lessons in life on my words or deeds that hurt or hindered someone, even my nearest and dearest, were realized too late for me to make any amends or difference. Had I realized them in time I could surely have mended bridges and, yes, spread and received more happiness. 
I hope my admission will help others: to check out if they have unlearnt lessons. 

Ms. Jagjit Daniel's novel Dreams of One Country: India Rises! (at present on Amazon; print publishing and movie rights available): The sensational story based in real historic events of Priya Jha's humanitarian campaign inspiring youth to unite and launch India's join the world's developed nations!


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Love Unlimited!

Ms. Jagjit Daniel's novel Dreams of One Country: India Rises! (at present on Amazon; print publishing and movie rights available): The sensational story based in real historic events of Priya Jha's humanitarian campaign inspiring youth to unite and launch India's join the world's developed nations!

Love Unlimited!

I don't remember ever yelling at anyone in the family. Or, for that matter, anyone else. (But I may have...and forgotten it.) At present I'm with my son and family in north-western U.S. A few days ago I said something that annoyed him...that I would like to go back and stay alone in India for some time. He started screaming at the top of his voice: 'Rubbish! Utter rubbish! You think you're growing any younger?' Etcetera, etctcetera! I was silenced, stunned! He walked off. But within minutes he came back in tears. Sobbing, he hugged me, saying, 'Sorry, Popo! I lost my cool.' 'Yeah, son, it's one of the lessons we've got to learn in life. Never to lose one's cool.' He has called me by many names. And the latest is Popo.

Later I thought of all the love I have received in my life. And I realized it was unlimited.
From my parents it was Love Unlimited!
From my beautiful and gentle wife it was Love Unlimited, a love that bound north and south of the country, transcending all the traditional divisions that disunite people. (Though I had lived my early life in Bombay, my parents were from the southernmost state.)
And from my children who moved to the U.S. too, it's always Love Unlimited!   
