At that time India's Supreme Court had ordered that, based on the results of the Common Entrance Test for entrance to medical and engineering colleges conducted by any state, 30% of the seats be reserved for students from other Indian states. My daughter appeared for the test in the state where we were living after moving from Bombay. She came in the top 300 and was eligible for a seat. However, at seat allocation we were told she had done her undergrad in another state and therefore would not get a seat. They were directly flouting a Supreme Court order. So she went for the CET in another state. Again she did well. And again that state refused her a seat. After that she decided she did not want to join medical college. She would graduate and then seek admission in an American university.She did just that and did so well in her GRE, TOEFL and SAT that she got admission with a full scholarship in Purdue Uinversity, Indiana.
The big questions are:
How could those Indian universities get away ignoring the highest court in the land?
Where is a country headed if authorities can get away with flouting the highest court's orders?
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