Friday, July 31, 2015

And Their SuperHappy Parents!

A Blog begun years ago as a stroll on the Funny Side of Serious Street, highlighting India's problems. Revived now by adding memories of old Bombay, including excerpts from Dreams of One Country. 

And Their Super-Happy Parents! 

And no one is happier with the genius entrepreneurs who develop SuperTots than the parents of those kids - for this newly-discovered chance to show-off to each other and the neighourhood. An utterly meaningless and time-wasting pursuit. For anyone in India who can afford it showing-off is one of the hottest of pleasures. They ignore the squalor around, the many whose lives are crushed by suffering and injustice. Is this the way India can hope to become a developed nation? Compare this India to Japan. The Japanese learnt a bitter lesson from their folly in World War II and set out to reconstruct their country. They aimed at lifting the quality of life of all their citizens. And there was no singing self-praise by either the people or leaders. No pompous pronouncements on what great things Japan would do. Twenty years later the world praised Japan’s achievements. 
India Cinemascopic: My novel Dreams of One Country - for download on I-phone, pad or computer from - is a panoramic story of young dreamsand ideas inspiring India's people to share and care for each other and build a truly modern nation.

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