Thursday, February 13, 2020

Mature Leaders Build Great Nations!

Mature Leaders Build Great Nations!

To rise. To develop. To join the world's leading democracies. That is the dream of people of every country. But for that countries need mature leaders, who know the world's history and understand the follies of the past. It needs leaders with humane ideas and principles, who will umite the people and strive for progress.
Today the relatively few true, practising democracies are leaders of the progressive world.
And the history of the world is replete with stories of the fall of nations.

(Readers ideas on the above topic are welcome!)
Dreams of One Country by Ms. Jagjit Daniel (Amazon Kindle: e-Novel: A novel in search of reputed print publishers): Set in tumultuous times of fairly recent history, a story of dreams and hope, of love and loss, of a 'United-We-Rise' youth campaign that inspires the people and launches India's ascent to join the world's top progressive a highway for all developing countries!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Life's Precious Bonds!

Life's Precious Bonds!

First of all: Bonds that unite a family. Parents, children etc.
Next, Bonds that unite the varied peoples of a country and lead it to true progress and modernization.
And then, Bonds that unite countries in building a truly 'united nations' world.

Of course, there will be people who feel no Bonds are greater then James Bond!

Readers' ideas on the above topic are welcome!
Dreams of One Country by Ms. Jagjit Daniel (Amazon Kindle: e-Novel: A novel in search of reputed print publishers): Set in tumultuous times of fairly recent history, a story of dreams and hope, of love and loss, of a 'United-We-Rise' youth campaign that inspires the people and launches India's ascent to join the world's top progressive a highway for all developing countries!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:


Friday, January 3, 2020

Family Memories: 1: When Love Was In The Air

Family Memories: 1: When Love Was In The Air

When love was in the air we breathed,
Every day was verse.
Every step had rhythm,
And there was music in the wind,
Lifting up our hearts
And night.
(Wow, am I becoming poetic!!?)

(Readers ideas on the above topic are welcome!)
Dreams of One Country (Amazon: Novel): Youth's 'United-We-Rise' campaign inspires India's ascent to the elite developed nations!
To check out Dreams of One Country, click below:


Friday, December 20, 2019

World Quick-Marching Back To Uncivilization!!?

World Quick-Marching Back To Uncivilization!!?

Today, around the world lies, lies and lies are being described as truth for selfish and mean-minded gains...and truth, as lies. Where is the world headed?
There have been fantastic advances in science, tech and knowledge over the past centuries...and yet, today, humanity appears to be reverting back to ideas steeped in pettiness and fanaticism. All around the world today we see such examples. Ideas that will ultimately prove self-harming, retrogressive. If developed countries revert to such policies they will surely slide backward in progress.
In still-to-develop countries the consequences of such policies will lead to total failure to progress, to develop. And millions could suffer the consequences. It could make any such country a pariah of the developed world. All, only to satisfy the whims and malice of narrow-minded policy makers. 

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Revolutionary youth campaign inspires the making of a new India...a progressive, exemplary modern nation!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Young George Washington: 'I cannot tell a lie.'

Young George Washington: 'I Cannot Tell A Lie.'

In a legendary story the boy George Washington admits to his father that he had cut down a cherry tree, adding: 'I cannot tell a lie.'
Imagine, what a contrast that is to today's times...among adults (!!!)...around the world!

Dreams of One Country by Ms. Jagjit Daniel (Amazon Kindle: e-Novel: A novel in search of reputed print publishers): Set in tumultuous times of fairly recent history, a story of dreams and hope, of love and loss, of a 'United-We-Rise' youth campaign that inspires the people and launches India's ascent to join the world's top progressive a highway for all developing countries!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Returning...To The Heart's Home

Returning...To The Heart's Home

Yes, I've returned for a few months to India. To a house that was once our home. In Bangalore (now, officially, Bengaluru). To a house full of old photographs. And memories. Of my mother. I called her Amachi. Of my wife and children. And 'Bauji,' my wife's father. Wonderful memories of the children growing up, going to school or college. And then, one by one, leaving us to study in America.
My father (whom I lost early), my mother, my wife, Bauji, and my second daughter now live only in my memories.

Those times are gone and will never return. Except in remembrance!

Dreams of One Country (Amazon: Novel): Youth's 'United-We-Rise' campaign launches India's the world's leading progressive nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:


Monday, September 30, 2019

Who Could Ridicule Nobel-listed Teen Greta?

Who Could Ridicule Nobel-listed Teen Greta?

Short-listed by the Nobel Committee for Peace at 16, she's one of the youngest nominees ever.
But, yes, she could be ridiculed....
By the science-ignorant, who are blissfully unaware of global warming or its consequences.
By those too involved in the present to bother about tomorrow.
By those who believe making money now is more important than the world's future.
