Sunday, April 8, 2018

New International Survey of Human Traits

New International Survey of Human Traits 

 I'm proposing a unique international survey of traits.
1. Do the inclinations to show-off, practice malice (for no material gain, but for the sheer joy of seeing someone embarrassed or distressed, without ever thinking: What if someone did that to me?) - and cheat tend to go together?
2. And if they do, is the combined expertise any less common in the 'highly developed' countries?
3. Will the results be funny? Slightly funny?

Or totally Un-funny?

Read Ms. Jagjit's novel Dreams of One Country: India Rises! (Amazon): How Priya Jha's amazing youth campaign unites the people to share and care for each other, thus inspiring India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!



Friday, April 6, 2018

World's Most Ignored Ideal of Human Relationships

Read Ms. Jagjit's novel Dreams of One Country (Amazon): A never-before love inspired campaign lights India's dawn as an elite modern nation!


World's Most Ignored Ideal of Human Relationships

Time again to recall the wisdom man has most ignored. The noblest souls who walked this earth have, by word and deed, endorsed the idea for man's progress to the heights of civilization. A dictum that, despite the many centuries gone, remains un-learnt. It's very simple.
Of course, around the world, even in the most developed countries, people who are highly impressed by themselves do unto themselves what they wouldn't do for anyone else! Yup! For them: Doing good to others is such a ruddy waste of time!


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Our World Today in Disarray (2): In Reverse Gear?

Read Ms. Jagjit's novel Dreams of One Country (Amazon): A never-before love inspired campaign lights India's dawn as an elite modern nation!


Our World Today in Disarray (2): In Reverse Gear?

Having fought World Wars and innumerable smaller wars for justice, fair play and the ideals of Humanity, is it becoming a world practicing and propagating ideas however unfair and petty as long as they benefit oneself? Despite all the great advances in science and technology is it becoming a self-centered and self-promoting world, going backward, ignoring the Civilized Values that can unite the peoples living on this one earth we share?


Friday, March 9, 2018

Most Hummed Hindi Film Memory Time!

Read Ms. Jagjit's novel Dreams of One Country (Amazon): A never-before love inspired campaign lights India's dawn as an elite modern nation!


Most Hummed Hindi Film Memory Time!

In my memory no other film song has equaled its popularity. On the streets of Bombay young and old were humming or whistling the song. Alms seekers in the suburban trains were singing it. For months! The song was from the Dilip Kumar starring movie Daag. And the song was:

Aye mere dil kahin aur chal!
Gam ki duniya se dil bhar gaya.
Dhoond le ab koi ghar naya.
Aye mere dil kahin aur chal!

Brief Rough Translation:
My heart, let's go away from this world of sorrow.
Let's find some other home. 
My heart, let's go away from this world of sorrow.


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Rainy, Rainier Funny California?!!

Read Ms. Jagjit's novel Dreams of One Country (Amazon): A never-before love inspired campaign lights India's dawn as an elite modern nation!

Rainy, Rainier Days Funny California?!!

Isn't it funny?
As though in response to withdrawal from the Climate Treaty, it seems the Sun is withdrawing for days from Sunny California!
Or is it amazing?


Sunday, February 11, 2018

'Me Too!' Flood Exposes Poor Sex Education Worldwide

Read Ms. Jagjit's novel Dreams of One Country (Amazon): A never-before love inspired campaign lights India's dawn as an elite modern nation!

'Me Too!' Flood Exposes Poor Sex Education Worldwide

The flood of 'Me Too' admissions and finger-pointing has brought to the surface an issue on which the world, despite great technological and scientific advances, has been negligent in dealing with.
Most parents are clueless on how to make their children aware of sex at the appropriate age and, also...on teaching them how to avoid molestation. (And, yes, get intending molesters to receive corrective education.)

Surely, ways can be found. For example, well-trained experts in schools can advise and help parents to do the right things for their children at the right time.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Horse-Gharries, Gas-lit Streets: Bombay In My Father's Time

Read Ms. Jagjit's novel Dreams of One Country (Amazon): A never-before love inspired campaign lights India's dawn as an elite modern nation!


Horse Gharries, Gas-lit Streets: Bombay In My Father's Time

Those were days when taxis (and the later auto rickshaws) were all one-horse gharries. The driver sat on a high seat in front. There was place behind to seat four people, two seats for two each facing each other, with a canopy that you could pull over you if you wished. In those days the street-lights were lit by piped gas. Every evening a man had to run by with a pole, a small flame at the upper end with which he would light the lamps. In the morning he would run by to snuff out the lamps.

My father was an avid book reader and believed all that was worth knowing was in books. Every evening he would go from his office in Fort area of Bombay to the Petit Library. In those days before Independence that main road in Bombay, going from Victoria Terminus to Flora Fountain was called Hornby Road. At the age of eight he enrolled me as a a member of the library. I would take a tram or train to town and walk in the arcaded pavements to reach the library. Walking from V.T. I would pass a department store called Evans Fraser on my left and on my right beyond Petit Library was a big store called Whiteaway Laidlaw's. Petit's is an amazingly ornate building with, around the spiral staircase, paintings on glass panes of the founder's family. It has a whole long floor for magazines both Indian and Western, and a whole long floor for books. I spent happy hours there reading magazines or selecting books or just gazing down from the balconies at the traffic going by on the main road or, in the side lane, children at the entrance of Cathedral and John Connon School. When my father passed away I asked the library to give me his library ledger number. Incidentally, though I moved away from Bombay many years ago, I still have a life membership at Petit's.
