Saturday, July 29, 2017

Rumpanathan: Or How to Succeed by Cheating!

Rumpanathan: Or How to Succeed by Cheating!

Here's the true story of an India-style achiever I knew long ago.
I was 27, going through the pain of losing a beloved father in tragic circumstances. With a family to look after and no income, I needed a steady income for some years. So, rather than take the risk of starting a medical practice, I joined a British pharma company in old Bombay. I opted for Sales Promotion. My senior partner there turned out to be a fellow who had risen from Medical Rep. And at first sight I nicknamed him mentally as Rumpanathan or the Buffalo's Rump. That's what he looked like. The other lead character in this story is the Englishman who was our Sales Director. I nicknamed him John Sneeze because he had a nose like Punch in the Punch and Judy show. Other colleagues warned me not to air new ideas in front of Rumpanathan as he was sure to run to the SD and present them as his own. They also told me to avoid criticizing the Director in front of Rumpo. A toady and backbiter, he would add his own masala to get you in trouble with the SD. 

At my first sales promotion meeting I presented a product promotion idea. 'Excellent!' said Sneeze and then asked, 'Whose idea is it?' Sitting next to me, with no hesitation at all, Rumpanathan pointed at his own head. The SD looked at me and said pointedly: 'I thought so.' Strangely, I didn't react. At that moment or later, if I had challenged Rumpanathan to tell the truth, his career would have ended. Instead, all I did was decide that if a colleague could lie so brazenly and the SD would believe him, I did not want to stay more than a year or two in the company. John Sneeze was stupid to trust and encourage Rumpo; but in his own country he may never have met a Cheating Champ without scruples or shame like Rumpanathan. Two years later I opted out of the company and started my own medical practice.

Years later I learned the Indian Cheating Champ had become an international director of that British pharma company. Surely, on Rumpanathan's international success route many others, like his colleagues in Bombay, would have seen exactly what he was...and spread the message that Indians were dishonest. That they were cheats!
Rumpanathan rose by Undoing India!


India surely has the talent-potential to rise among nations.
But can the achievements of Cheating Champs contribute to India's progress or make her truly modern? No! Not a whisper of hope!
It was Lee Kuan Yew's foresight and emphasis on Order, Honesty, Humane Values etc., enabling Chinese, Malays, Indians and people of differing ethnicity to live in peace and unitedly strive for progress, that turned the city-state of Singapore into the 4th most developed place in the world - just a spot behind New Zealand and one ahead of the United States. In development India, on the other hand, still languishes at around 138th among 180 countries.
Read Ms. Jagjit's Dreams of One Country: a Great Love Story lights the way for youth's united campaign for Universal Values that will elevate India as an exemplary Super-Modern Nation! Indeed, to Singapore's Heights!


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Dreams of One India, One Humanity

Dreams of One India, One Humanity

In my fact-fiction novel, Dreams of One Country, a great love story sparks the beginning of youth's united march march to uplift the Cause of Humanity in India. I'm planning a follow-up book - Dreams of One World, One Humanity - dedicated to the Cause of Humanity uniting people across the world.

In his book Journey of Man Spencer Wells, using DNA links traces man's origin in Africa and subsequent spread around the world - to India, Australia, Central Asia, the Arctics and Americas. And till today, despite all his technological and scientific achievements, man lags far behind in recognizing his oneness. Look around the world and, day after day, you'll see the disastrous consequences of this failure.



Friday, July 7, 2017

Tomorrow's Modernized India!

Tomorrow's Modernized India!

In the dramatic 'Rising India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books), an audacious young woman's campaign for Humane Values unites and inspires youth to achieve India's long-delayed world class modernization!

Can tomorrow's India achieve world-class modernization? Like Singapore?
Certainly! India has the necessary talents and resources. But it requires a real change of mindsets. It requires the attitudes of sharing and caring for one another that unites a truly modernized country!
According to UNDP Singapore is the fourth best developed place in the world...just ahead of the a result of Lee Kuan Yew's wisdom and foresight that brought together Malays, Chinese, Indians and others in a united, truly modernized city-state.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

How Many Follies Make A Lifetime?

How Many Follies Make A Lifetime?

Of course, there are no limits.
Every day provides fresh opportunities to add to the tally!
Worse, of course, are follies that even decades later we don't realize were follies and regret them!


Ms. Jagjit Daniel's novel (Amazon): On Love! And Loneliness! And youth's rousing campaign for Universal Values...that launches their country's rise to the elite among Modern Nations!


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Dream-Times of India Story!

Dream-Times of India Story!

MovieDramatic story of India's long-delayed rise to truly enlightened modernization! To Singapore's Heights! That, in essence, is Dreams of One Country!
According to the United Nations Development Program Singapore is the fourth most developed place in the world, ahead of the U.S., as a result of Lee Kuan Yew's wisdom and foresight that united Malays, Chinese, Indians and others - to live in peace and contribute to the welfare and prosperity of all, in a truly modernized city-state.
In the rousing drama of Dreams of One Country an amazing young woman's Love-lit campaign - for Order, Humane Values etc. - inspires India's youth to unite and lead the country to a transformation! To Singapore's Heights!
Check out the story-details in Amazon Books.

Most certainly, India has the talent-potential to achieve the highest modernization as a nation. But she needs changes in mindsets. As the MovieDramatic story of Dreams of One Country unfolds, reacting to real major national events like the Emergency, youth find the way to transform India. Yes, indeed! To Singapore's Heights!


Monday, April 24, 2017

Memories of Juhu Beach: Old Bombay

Memories of Juhu Beach: Old Bombay

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
From Priya Jha's speech in the Spellbinding India Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books)  Love lights up an audacious young woman's united youth campaign for Humane Values, inspiring India's real modernization Singapore's Heights!
When we lived in Juhu near the beach I would go there at dawn for a run, come rain or sun. I would reach the main beach, then run back to where I could see Versova. There are descriptions of the beach in Dreams of One Country - like one on the exhilaration of running against the strong monsoon wind when the rain felt as sharp as needles on my face  One beach memory was an annual pre-monsoon event, a phenomenon no one understood. One morning all kinds of sea creatures - including sharks, eels and small whales - would be thrown up on the beach and would lie there flopping, scattered all over. No one understood why. And no one would pick any of the fish to eat. They felt they could be unhealthy. So the sea creatures would lie there and rot on the beach and the beach would stink for days.

Another memory of Juhu beach is the Air India plane crash in the latter 70's - after taking off from Sahar Airport about six miles away. It crashed into the Arabian Sea just off the coast. The plane had gone to the sea-bed. All passengers and crew had died. The plane had then floated up, and it could be seen from the beach on the horizon. Crowds of spectators came every day to see it...till it was removed for investigations into the cause of the disaster.


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Going In Style: A Fun Movie!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
From Priya Jha's speech in the Spellbinding India Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books)  Love lights up an audacious young woman's united youth campaign for Humane Values that inspires India's real modernization Singapore's Heights!

Going In Style: A Fun Movie!

It's a long time since I saw a movie in a theater. And this was it. Going in Style. I found it outrageously funny. The three oldies making up the main cast of the film are Alan Arkin, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman. The location is New York city. Their bank wants their deposits, but are very unhelpful to them when they are in need. So they decide to teach the bank a lesson - by stealing from the bank what cash they need, in such a way that the bank has no idea how the money was heisted and cannot trace it - even though the FBI is called in.
The action goes crazy! Fun all the way till Finis!
