Saturday, November 19, 2016

India's Happy Crow Song!

India's Happy Crow Song!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn 

As never before India's citizens continue to dump their garbage on the street, preferably away from their houses and nearer a neighbor's. If it's open garbage the crows (we'll leave pariah dogs out of this story) have easy access. If it's in plastic bags, their first morning job is to peck open those bags. And then the Crow Talk begins.
Crow 1: 'Anything special today?'
Crow 2: 'Yaw! Yaw! Here's some rotten pulao!'
Crow3: Naw! Naw! This is better. Fungated cake!'
Crow 4: 'Any rotten fruit? Doc Crow says fruit are good for health.'
Crow 5: 'You got it, brawther! Here's some completely rotten papayaw!'
And all the Crows sing in chorus: Yaw! Yaw! Yaw! What a happy dawn! Oh, what a happy dawn! Awl thanks to the Crow-loving folk of Indiaw!   


Friday, November 18, 2016

Chaos Country!

Chaos Country!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn 

A completely ill-planned, disorganized demonetization campaign by the country's central bank is preventing people across India from withdrawing money from their own bank accounts to pay for their daily roti and rice. Call it Chaos Country!


Saturday, November 5, 2016

First International Time-Wasting Olympics

First International Time-Wasting Olympics

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.

Preparations have been going on for the first ever International Time-Wasting Olympics and the games are about to begin. Intense competition is expected from Fancy Phone Tap-Tappers, Expert Face-Driifters and Twitterbugs to decide the Gold, Silver and Bronze in prolific Time-Wasting. The hope of Organizers of this unique Olympics is that a few great winners will be discovered - who waste all twenty four hours of their day! Every day!
Astonishingly, India, a country with one of the highest poverty levels, has more competitors in this Olympic arena than the most developed countries. Bravo, India! Go for Gold!


Friday, October 28, 2016

Will Lefty Handshakes Modernize India?

Will Lefty Handshakes Modernize India?

Go east, west, north, south. Anywhere in this country, in deals involving officialdom or their minions, the right hand makes the payment of actual dues. A lefty handshake passes on the lubricant money that is required to ensure the deals go through. Without those lefty handshakes (or shakedowns?) the deals get bogged down in unexpected complications and even, yes, your files may be lost forever. Can a country where such bribery is accepted a normal every day fact of life develop into a civilized modern democracy?
Essential for that is the kind of India inspired by the amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty in Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): A 'New India' Novel India Rises!


Thursday, October 27, 2016

India's Top-Rank Sports!

India's Top-Rank Sports...and Pastimes!

If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.

None to beat cricket, but two other all-too popular sports - though without the benefit of any organized high publicity competitions like the IPL - are Showing Off and Hoodwinking others for profit (or Swindling). Hope they start big money competitions like ISOL and IHL!!!


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Will Divided Hearts Modernize India?

Will Divided Hearts Modernize India?

Can a country with hearts splintered by narrow-minded antagonisms - over language, region, sharing river water, religion, caste etc. - where the common attitude instead of 'One for All!' and 'All for One!' is 'None for All!' and 'All for None!' - develop into a truly modern nation?

Not a chance.

Essential for that is kind of India inspired by the amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty in Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): A 'New India' Novel India Rises!


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Will Hunter-itis Modernize India?

Will Hunter-itis Modernize India?

If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.

 The biggest -itis spread out across India today is hunter-itis, the search for opportunities to pick up assets, either financial or property, whether it belongs to the government or a 'friend.' An -itis of the grab what one can get away with mentality, it includes any means, including taking advantage of unsuspecting people and cheating. The  grabber congratulates himself on the cleverness that enabled him to succeed. Of course, such cleverness deserves a Masters or Doctorate in Lack of Morals. I have seen parts of pavement and sea beach taken over by grabbers for their own use, even public or private land and property. It doesn't matter where in India: such attitudes are the same 

No country that ignores principles and 'conscience' - where failing morals is a normal way of life - can hope to rise as a truly modern, developed nation.
