Petty Minds Crave Petty Thrills That Ruin Countries!
World over...petty minds get thrills spreading nasty, malicious and heartless extremisms. Their people-dividing policies can derail progress and modernization of even highly talented, resourceful countries. For countries the frenzies that petty minds revel in are time-wasting, self-destructive...and can ruin any country even in this 21st century of vast scientific progress. Not that petty minds care! They don't care if they leave behind a peaceless, unprogressive third world drifter. Or?...Vice Versa!?
Vice Versa! Wise policies will unite all the people of the country, to make good use of their talents and build a great nation! In a truly humane and united world!
Books by Drs Ms Jagjit &John Daniel: Doctor At Home: EastWest Books: Family Health Fitness Tips. Dreams of One Country (An Amazon Kindle e-novel or print copies): A far-visioned woman campaigns and unites youth to power India's talent-led ascent to join the world's leading developed nations!
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