Seventy years ago Princess Elizabeth was on a trip to East Africa, then a British colony. My wife-to-be was a schoolgirl there. Her father had gone from India and worked for the East African Railways. She and her school-mates were excited as the Princess would be visiting their school But, suddenly, plans were changed due to the death of the Princess's father,
King George VI. The girls were disappointed, as the Princess would return to England without visiting their school. And on February 6, 1952, at the age of 25, the Princess was crowned Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey. Seventy years have now gone by. This is the Platinum Jubilee year of her coronation, and celebrations are going on in England.
Books by Drs Ms Jagjit & John Daniel: Doctor At Home (EastWest Books): Tips on Health & Fitness For The Family. Dreams of One Country (Amazon Kindle: For download or print copy) The visionary campaign of a young woman, Priya Jha, unites youth to power India's ascent as a great modern nation!
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