Saturday, July 13, 2019

Democracy in Blunderland?!

Democracy in Blunderland?!

Can a country where voters are bribed before elections and the elected are bribed after elections to switch sides (though people voted for them because they represented a particular party - and if legal systems are impotent to stop the travesty of democracy) hope to join ethical developed democracies?
Isn't a democracy only in name a mere self-deceiving folly?

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams.
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

The Road to Demockery!

 The Road to Demockery!

Won't inciting divisiveness, discrimination and malice subvert a developed country's values? Won't it downgrade the country's morality? And take the country down a slippery slope of selfishness...down the road to demockery?
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Hope-Way To A Better World: For All!

Hope-Way To A Better World: For All!

Can incompetent and selfish individuals lacking wisdom, who arouse divisiveness and pettiness for their own gain, help lift the neediest?
Will they help build or strengthen a truly modern nation?
Can the totally self-centered help build a better world for all?

No. Building better countries...and a better world...has been the objective of exemplary individuals, who see the problems faced by common people and are moved by their sense of common humanity to find a do the best they can for progressive change. For all!
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Our Eternal Questions: 1

Our Eternal Questions: 1

How did our Universe, of distances beyond our minds to imagine, begin?
Or was it always there?
Who created it?
How did the Creator happen?
Or has the universe come from nowhere? From nothing?
I'll discuss theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss's intriguing book A Universe From Nothing later in this series.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Mind of Man: Long Journey...To A United World!

The Mind of Man: Long Journey...To A United World!

Is a united world unreachable despite all our high tech advances and amazing progress in science and knowledge?
Or will we have to wait till all countries have merit-based leaders?

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Having Witnessed History in the Making

Having Witnessed History in the Making

From childhood I have witnessed events of history in the making, World War II. Air-raid sirens and search-lights scouring the sky. Lights were switched off as we drew black curtains across windows. I remember peeping out, watching WACs and men of the air raid patrol wearing ARP armbands going around, ensuring shops were shuttered and people went off streets. On VE Day (Victory in Europe) I watched British soldiers dancing and celebrating outside the Dadar Bar in old Bombay.
The warship S.S.Fort Stikine, with gun-powder and gold in its hold, exploded in Bombay harbour and gold bars hurtled into some people's homes, while the whole dock-side burned.
Then came the delirium of India's Independence Day. Nehru's emotional 'midnight hour' speech and crowds celebrating on the streets, particularly around the Gateway of India.
Later I witnessed more events of history unfold, the successes and failures of the country in freedom.
Having captured some of that history in my novel Dreams of One Country, I am working on a novel that captures more of the later history of the country...and the world.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

A World Divided - 9: If, in a Country...

A World Divided - 9: If, in a Country...

If, in a country, children are afraid to go to school, the people must wake up and take the corrective steps progress as an enlightened nation.
If, in a country, narrow-minded, self-centered individuals lacking in core ideals promote divisiveness for their immediate gains, thus provoking other narrow-minded individuals, the people must unite to save their country from the short-sighted heartless dividers.
If, in a country, elections are used to discriminate against sections of people, only the united public response can ensure the country can rise as a truly modernized developed nation.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.