Thursday, May 2, 2019

A World Divided - 8: Values Under Siege!

A World Divided - 8: Values Under Siege!

Earlier, it seemed that lying, cheating and bribery were every day events, even in elections, only in countries still in the process of developing and modernizing. Today civilized values - including truth, honesty, caring for others - are under siege even in countries believed to be modern and progressive.
Self-centered individuals in key positions think only of their immediate short-term benefits. They do not bother about the others or the future of their country.
To build a truly modern developed nation is not easy: it takes generations of dedicated effort. So also, hopefully, a modern developed nation's in-built corrective systems will prevent retrogressive steps by anyone.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Friday, April 26, 2019

A World Divided - 7: Highway to the Future!

A World Divided - 7: Highway to the Future!

In spite of incredible advances in technology, science, our knowledge of the world and universe, there are some whose mindsets remain unchanged - who are inclined to pettiness, malice, superstition and a discriminatory, divisive attitude. Divisive acts can bring others who are ignorant and mean out of the woodwork. So it goes. Today's world seems to be competing in the clowning glory of pettiness!   
Still, in truly refined developed countries people are united despite differences - like a united family. Wise and fair laws safeguard their future as nations that care for and protect all citizens - even if any self-centered individuals for their own immediate benefit recite mean fairy-tales to divide the people!
For every aspiring country those developed nations light the highway to the future, the way to elite modernization. Resorting to superstition and malice to divide and target sections of the people will surely hold back any country from rising and joining the best developed, modernized nations.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A World Divided - 6: Easier Downhill?

A World Divided - 6: Easier Downhill?

It's far easier to divide people than to unite a divided people.
It's easy to make promises, then blame others when they are not fulfilled.
Lying and provoking malice are easy ways of self-promotion for the self-centered. 
The unscrupulous use lies and superstition to rouse the ignorant and divide people.
It's easier to incite malice than to unite and uplift a country with plans of foresight.

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A World Divided - 5: No Future Vision?

A World Divided - 5: No Future Vision?

Around the world individuals who lie, cheat and proclaim how much good they are doing for others - while spreading prejudice, divisiveness and malice - will leave countries and the world worse off than they found them. Not that they care!

Dreams of One Country (Amazonl): A novel located in India, but serving the cause of Humanity worldwide!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A World Divided - 4: Self-serving Heights!

A World Divided - 4: Self-serving Heights!
The self-centered decide policy with immediate personal gain as priority, ignoring Humane Values. They pretend their main concern is their country's future. For their own benefit they discriminate and divide people, spur others who are ignorant and petty-minded to come out of the woodwork, and thus hinder the future of even progressive countries. Not that they care!
Naturally, the song the self-centered are happiest singing is: 'My Money! Money! Money!'

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Friday, March 22, 2019

A World Divided - 3: Devaluing Civilized Values?

A World Divided - 3: Devaluing Civilized Values?

Today, despite the modern egalitarian ideals of a country's founding fathers, selfish individuals who lack in wisdom and knowledge - who think only of their immediate benefit - provoke ignorant, petty-minded people to discriminate and divide. They ignore the Humane Values of civilized people.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Monday, March 4, 2019

A World Divided - 2: Ascent of Hypocrisy?

A World Divided - 2: Ascent of Hypocrisy?

Unbelievable! The narrow-mindedness, selfishness and hypocrisy involved! How can individuals in any country believed to be progressive who, while devoutly joining in celebrations and ceremonies of a religion that says all humans are created equal, encourage bigotry to divide people?
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.