Friday, February 9, 2018

Horse-Gharries, Gas-lit Streets: Bombay In My Father's Time

Read Ms. Jagjit's novel Dreams of One Country (Amazon): A never-before love inspired campaign lights India's dawn as an elite modern nation!


Horse Gharries, Gas-lit Streets: Bombay In My Father's Time

Those were days when taxis (and the later auto rickshaws) were all one-horse gharries. The driver sat on a high seat in front. There was place behind to seat four people, two seats for two each facing each other, with a canopy that you could pull over you if you wished. In those days the street-lights were lit by piped gas. Every evening a man had to run by with a pole, a small flame at the upper end with which he would light the lamps. In the morning he would run by to snuff out the lamps.

My father was an avid book reader and believed all that was worth knowing was in books. Every evening he would go from his office in Fort area of Bombay to the Petit Library. In those days before Independence that main road in Bombay, going from Victoria Terminus to Flora Fountain was called Hornby Road. At the age of eight he enrolled me as a a member of the library. I would take a tram or train to town and walk in the arcaded pavements to reach the library. Walking from V.T. I would pass a department store called Evans Fraser on my left and on my right beyond Petit Library was a big store called Whiteaway Laidlaw's. Petit's is an amazingly ornate building with, around the spiral staircase, paintings on glass panes of the founder's family. It has a whole long floor for magazines both Indian and Western, and a whole long floor for books. I spent happy hours there reading magazines or selecting books or just gazing down from the balconies at the traffic going by on the main road or, in the side lane, children at the entrance of Cathedral and John Connon School. When my father passed away I asked the library to give me his library ledger number. Incidentally, though I moved away from Bombay many years ago, I still have a life membership at Petit's.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Is a World of Hope possible?

Heart-lifting 'India Rises' Novel! Dreams of One Country (Amazon): Youth's unique campaign on Humane Values amid crises, inspired by a Moviescopic Love Story, powers India's ascent as an Elite Modern Nation!
Is a World of Hope possible?

Of course, it's possible! It can happen when the people on this one earth we share realize that the future of mankind is a common cause, regardless of the differences in language, beliefs etc. Every past revolution and adoption of democracy by countries, and formation of the United Nations have all had that aim. In practice, however, none of that has helped evolve a united humanity that shares and cares for each other!
Despite all the scientific advances, there's still a long way to go for mankind to learn Humanity



Sunday, January 14, 2018

Are You Discombobulated?

Heart-lifting 'India Rises' Novel! Dreams of One Country (Amazon): Youth's unique campaign on Humane Values amid crises, inspired by a Moviescopic Love Story, powers India's ascent as an Elite Modern Nation!

Are You Discombobulated?

Are you discombobulated by prestidigitations that seem fantabulous?

No need to answer the question.
But Smile!
And forget those big words that none of us ever have need to use.
Thank you!


Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Song: 2018

New Year's Song: 2018

At Sunrise of New Year's Day 2018
We shall resolve to uphold,
To uphold a New World of Hope:
Of Nations and People
At Peace,
By Humane Values united,
On this One Earth
We have all inherited!

Dreams of One Country (Amazon): Moviescopic India Novel of Our Time! Tender love story inspires youth's campaign on Universal Values that elevates the elite among developed nations! Fast-paced, Heartwarming 'India Rises' Novel!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Our World Today...In Disarray?!

Read Ms. Jagjit's Dreams of One Country: Sparkling novel! On how a unique youth campaign for Universal Values, inspired by a Moviescopic Love Story, powers an Asian country floundering in pettiness to rise as an exemplary Super-Modern Nation!

Our World Today...In Disarray?!

Today, despite all the great advances in science and technology, the world is in disarray! In this 21st Century - instead of further progress in civilizing mankind - selfishness, malice, pettiness seem to have spread, dividing and disuniting people. Even untruths are propagated as facts...for selfish gain. The world seems to have gone a long way backward, discarding the Values that Civilize and Unite people on this one earth we share!


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

From Pen-Friends to Social Media!

From Pen-Friends to Social Media!

When I was young the magazines and Sunday newspapers had columns giving the names, age and addresses of people seeking pen-friends. A close family friend went to Canada to train in nursing administration. On her return she give me the name of a girl who wanted a pen-friend in India. I wrote to her and we corresponded. I would write and post an airmail letter and it would be a month before I got her reply.
Compare that to the virtually immediate contacts among people on today's social media! But the difference was that the contacts were not as casual as on the social media. My pen-friend and I wrote to each other about our school, families, sports and pastimes.
Besides, the social media links can go out to millions. And that is where we have recently discovered how they can be misused in multiple ways!     

Dreams of One Country (Amazon): Moviescopic India Novel of Our Time! Tender love story inspires youth's campaign on Universal Values that elevates the elite among developed nations! Fast-paced, Heartwarming 'India Rises' Novel!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

A World of Hope

Heart-lifting 'India Rises' Novel! Dreams of One Country (Amazon): Youth's unique campaign on Humane Values amid crises, inspired by a Moviescopic Love Story, powers India's ascent as an Elite Modern Nation!
A World of Hope
It's amazing how much man has advanced in science, in his understanding of the earth and the universe.
And it's amazing that - despite those advances - how disunited, how lacking in common purpose, how disharmonious the inheritors of this one earth of ours is today.
Despite the centuries gone and the lessons of history, people continue to imagine their own superiority over others - their superiority in thinking. And in their beliefs. They continue to look down on others and spread divisiveness and disharmony.
People have still to realize that all the differences in appearance, language etc. are just the result of where they live on this common earth.
People have still to accept that a world of hope can only be built by sharing and caring for each other, and helping each other in times of need.

Indeed, A World of Hope will be a world united by its inhabitants...who share and care for each other, and help each other in times of need. And also, yes, protect the health of the earth we share.
