No Indian who does not have a mobile phone, an all-purpose (though it's still not edible!) phone, to tap-tap on while walking around on the street is a worthy citizen of the country.
No Indian who has less cars than his neighbor is a worthy citizen of the country.
No Indian who has less high-breed dogs than his neighbor is a worthy citizen of the country.
No Indian who is not on Facebook is a worthy citizen of the country.
No Indian who doesn't have a new unbreakable-glass modern-day palace to live in is a worthy citizen of this country.
That makes it abundantly clear who are India's Worthiest Citizens Today! Right?
But what about all those people who have an ordinary mobile phone bought with money borrowed from a loan shark, who have no cars or breed dogs, who call a shanty-town hut their home...whose main worry is about their family's next meal?
Oh, those! Totally unworthy...not worth wasting your time thinking about. Forget them! In fact, as far as all Worthy Indians are concerned, they don't exist!