'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.
A less public aspect of the craving to show-off or brag are India's self-geniused company executives. Young executives create an air of being geniuses by techniques like ill-treating or insulting subordinates and treating colleagues as nitwits. At the same they grab good ideas they hear from a colleague, run to senior officers and present the ideas as their own before the colleague gets a chance. I have already described an example of such genius cheats in Buffalo's Rumpanathan and Mr Sneeze.
It's very difficult for colleagues to have any discussions with these geniuses...who are so preoccupied with geniotic thinking that they tend to look through ordinary colleagues. These Indian-style cheats are also expert tale-carriers. Colleagues have to be careful what they say in their hearing because the geniuses will run to the senior officer and add some masala to make it seem the junior was insulting the boss. If the senior is from a developed country he does not understand what the Indian genius is up to, because such crookery does not happen in civilized countries and he assumes the genius airs put on by the junior are indeed signs of the young man's brilliance.
Another aspect of the aerial Indian executive is the founder/head of a successful company. As his company rises higher he himself rises into a more and more rarefied atmosphere, where he can be accessed only by other company heads... or the Hubble Telescope...or, maybe, the gods!