Friday, December 20, 2019

World Quick-Marching Back To Uncivilization!!?

World Quick-Marching Back To Uncivilization!!?

Today, around the world lies, lies and lies are being described as truth for selfish and mean-minded gains...and truth, as lies. Where is the world headed?
There have been fantastic advances in science, tech and knowledge over the past centuries...and yet, today, humanity appears to be reverting back to ideas steeped in pettiness and fanaticism. All around the world today we see such examples. Ideas that will ultimately prove self-harming, retrogressive. If developed countries revert to such policies they will surely slide backward in progress.
In still-to-develop countries the consequences of such policies will lead to total failure to progress, to develop. And millions could suffer the consequences. It could make any such country a pariah of the developed world. All, only to satisfy the whims and malice of narrow-minded policy makers. 

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Revolutionary youth campaign inspires the making of a new India...a progressive, exemplary modern nation!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Young George Washington: 'I cannot tell a lie.'

Young George Washington: 'I Cannot Tell A Lie.'

In a legendary story the boy George Washington admits to his father that he had cut down a cherry tree, adding: 'I cannot tell a lie.'
Imagine, what a contrast that is to today's times...among adults (!!!)...around the world!

Dreams of One Country by Ms. Jagjit Daniel (Amazon Kindle: e-Novel: A novel in search of reputed print publishers): Set in tumultuous times of fairly recent history, a story of dreams and hope, of love and loss, of a 'United-We-Rise' youth campaign that inspires the people and launches India's ascent to join the world's top progressive a highway for all developing countries!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Returning...To The Heart's Home

Returning...To The Heart's Home

Yes, I've returned for a few months to India. To a house that was once our home. In Bangalore (now, officially, Bengaluru). To a house full of old photographs. And memories. Of my mother. I called her Amachi. Of my wife and children. And 'Bauji,' my wife's father. Wonderful memories of the children growing up, going to school or college. And then, one by one, leaving us to study in America.
My father (whom I lost early), my mother, my wife, Bauji, and my second daughter now live only in my memories.

Those times are gone and will never return. Except in remembrance!

Dreams of One Country (Amazon: Novel): Youth's 'United-We-Rise' campaign launches India's the world's leading progressive nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:


Monday, September 30, 2019

Who Could Ridicule Nobel-listed Teen Greta?

Who Could Ridicule Nobel-listed Teen Greta?

Short-listed by the Nobel Committee for Peace at 16, she's one of the youngest nominees ever.
But, yes, she could be ridiculed....
By the science-ignorant, who are blissfully unaware of global warming or its consequences.
By those too involved in the present to bother about tomorrow.
By those who believe making money now is more important than the world's future.


Friday, September 20, 2019

Teen Girl Greta's Splendid Campaign!

Teen Girl Greta's Splendid Campaign!

Greta Thunberg, a teen-aged girl from Sweden, is leading a splendid 'Wake Up!' campaign. To tell the people of the world and their leaders not to ignore scientific proof of global warming, climate change and their dire consequences...not to forget our future generations for short-sighted profiteering!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Our Shining Dreams!: Of Life, Loving, Legends and Legerdemain!

Our Shining Dreams!: Of Life, Loving, Legends and Legerdemain!

Our dreams are brightest when we are young. Of Life. Of Loving (our family, country, humanity). Of Legends and Legerdemain! That is why in Jagjit's Dreams of One Country {Amazon, Novel) the two youth, bonded by love and dreams of their country's future, strive to inspire youth's idealism, uniting them in a campaign to make a miracle lift their country to the heights of the world's elite developed nations!

Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
The author has all rights of the novel, including translation.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Helpful Hints - 2: On Jumping to Conclusions!

Helpful Hints - 2: On Jumping To Conclusions!

One of the things most of us do is jump to conclusions...on the basis of what someone says or does, drawing our own quick interpretation of what that person meant or intended. What that person did or said may have been completely casual or thoughtless. But on the basis of a quick conclusion we then try to retaliate, complicating matters. Sometimes....beyond repair.

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Our Eternal Questions: 2

Our Eternal Questions: 2

In the vast distances, beyond our capacity to reach, does life exist? In innumerable forms?
What is the purpose of life on earth or elsewhere in the Universe?
Or is all life purposeless? Are we like transient characters in a non-stop TV show?

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Helpful Hints - 1: Dealing With Our Old Folk

Helpful Hints -1: Dealing With Our Old Folk

Families may have problems dealing with aging members, who seem to get crankier as they grow older. Patience is essential. And the realization that the crankiness can be unintentional. Old people may be affected by a condition called senile dementia which can make them suspicious of intentions of even close family members. The need is to realize that. To be understanding and helpful. No anger! Get medical help, if needed.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Great Nations Are Built By Uniting People

Great Nations Are Built By Uniting People

Around the world self-servers are instigating acts that divide the people to satisfy their own pettiness. Aren't such people-dividers hampering the progress and future of countries?
Has any country achieved the status of a great nation by turning her own citizens against each other?
World history has proved time and again that a country prospers and rises to greatness only when the people are united.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

My Memory Home

My Memory Home

I'm back for a while in my home of memories. Around the house are pictures from the past. And on the wall on either side of the bedroom - which I can see lying in bed - are photographs from the past. Of my parents and my wife's parents. And our children at different ages, going to school or college. So every day here means returning to memories of times long gone.

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Democracy in Blunderland?!

Democracy in Blunderland?!

Can a country where voters are bribed before elections and the elected are bribed after elections to switch sides (though people voted for them because they represented a particular party - and if legal systems are impotent to stop the travesty of democracy) hope to join ethical developed democracies?
Isn't a democracy only in name a mere self-deceiving folly?

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams.
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

The Road to Demockery!

 The Road to Demockery!

Won't inciting divisiveness, discrimination and malice subvert a developed country's values? Won't it downgrade the country's morality? And take the country down a slippery slope of selfishness...down the road to demockery?
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Hope-Way To A Better World: For All!

Hope-Way To A Better World: For All!

Can incompetent and selfish individuals lacking wisdom, who arouse divisiveness and pettiness for their own gain, help lift the neediest?
Will they help build or strengthen a truly modern nation?
Can the totally self-centered help build a better world for all?

No. Building better countries...and a better world...has been the objective of exemplary individuals, who see the problems faced by common people and are moved by their sense of common humanity to find a do the best they can for progressive change. For all!
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Our Eternal Questions: 1

Our Eternal Questions: 1

How did our Universe, of distances beyond our minds to imagine, begin?
Or was it always there?
Who created it?
How did the Creator happen?
Or has the universe come from nowhere? From nothing?
I'll discuss theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss's intriguing book A Universe From Nothing later in this series.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Mind of Man: Long Journey...To A United World!

The Mind of Man: Long Journey...To A United World!

Is a united world unreachable despite all our high tech advances and amazing progress in science and knowledge?
Or will we have to wait till all countries have merit-based leaders?

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Having Witnessed History in the Making

Having Witnessed History in the Making

From childhood I have witnessed events of history in the making, World War II. Air-raid sirens and search-lights scouring the sky. Lights were switched off as we drew black curtains across windows. I remember peeping out, watching WACs and men of the air raid patrol wearing ARP armbands going around, ensuring shops were shuttered and people went off streets. On VE Day (Victory in Europe) I watched British soldiers dancing and celebrating outside the Dadar Bar in old Bombay.
The warship S.S.Fort Stikine, with gun-powder and gold in its hold, exploded in Bombay harbour and gold bars hurtled into some people's homes, while the whole dock-side burned.
Then came the delirium of India's Independence Day. Nehru's emotional 'midnight hour' speech and crowds celebrating on the streets, particularly around the Gateway of India.
Later I witnessed more events of history unfold, the successes and failures of the country in freedom.
Having captured some of that history in my novel Dreams of One Country, I am working on a novel that captures more of the later history of the country...and the world.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

A World Divided - 9: If, in a Country...

A World Divided - 9: If, in a Country...

If, in a country, children are afraid to go to school, the people must wake up and take the corrective steps progress as an enlightened nation.
If, in a country, narrow-minded, self-centered individuals lacking in core ideals promote divisiveness for their immediate gains, thus provoking other narrow-minded individuals, the people must unite to save their country from the short-sighted heartless dividers.
If, in a country, elections are used to discriminate against sections of people, only the united public response can ensure the country can rise as a truly modernized developed nation.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Two youth share their love and dreams, and inspire a great campaign to lift India to the heights of elite countries! An example in nation-building...for the world!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

A World Divided - 8: Values Under Siege!

A World Divided - 8: Values Under Siege!

Earlier, it seemed that lying, cheating and bribery were every day events, even in elections, only in countries still in the process of developing and modernizing. Today civilized values - including truth, honesty, caring for others - are under siege even in countries believed to be modern and progressive.
Self-centered individuals in key positions think only of their immediate short-term benefits. They do not bother about the others or the future of their country.
To build a truly modern developed nation is not easy: it takes generations of dedicated effort. So also, hopefully, a modern developed nation's in-built corrective systems will prevent retrogressive steps by anyone.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Friday, April 26, 2019

A World Divided - 7: Highway to the Future!

A World Divided - 7: Highway to the Future!

In spite of incredible advances in technology, science, our knowledge of the world and universe, there are some whose mindsets remain unchanged - who are inclined to pettiness, malice, superstition and a discriminatory, divisive attitude. Divisive acts can bring others who are ignorant and mean out of the woodwork. So it goes. Today's world seems to be competing in the clowning glory of pettiness!   
Still, in truly refined developed countries people are united despite differences - like a united family. Wise and fair laws safeguard their future as nations that care for and protect all citizens - even if any self-centered individuals for their own immediate benefit recite mean fairy-tales to divide the people!
For every aspiring country those developed nations light the highway to the future, the way to elite modernization. Resorting to superstition and malice to divide and target sections of the people will surely hold back any country from rising and joining the best developed, modernized nations.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A World Divided - 6: Easier Downhill?

A World Divided - 6: Easier Downhill?

It's far easier to divide people than to unite a divided people.
It's easy to make promises, then blame others when they are not fulfilled.
Lying and provoking malice are easy ways of self-promotion for the self-centered. 
The unscrupulous use lies and superstition to rouse the ignorant and divide people.
It's easier to incite malice than to unite and uplift a country with plans of foresight.

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A World Divided - 5: No Future Vision?

A World Divided - 5: No Future Vision?

Around the world individuals who lie, cheat and proclaim how much good they are doing for others - while spreading prejudice, divisiveness and malice - will leave countries and the world worse off than they found them. Not that they care!

Dreams of One Country (Amazonl): A novel located in India, but serving the cause of Humanity worldwide!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel, give details in Comments column of blog.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A World Divided - 4: Self-serving Heights!

A World Divided - 4: Self-serving Heights!
The self-centered decide policy with immediate personal gain as priority, ignoring Humane Values. They pretend their main concern is their country's future. For their own benefit they discriminate and divide people, spur others who are ignorant and petty-minded to come out of the woodwork, and thus hinder the future of even progressive countries. Not that they care!
Naturally, the song the self-centered are happiest singing is: 'My Money! Money! Money!'

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Friday, March 22, 2019

A World Divided - 3: Devaluing Civilized Values?

A World Divided - 3: Devaluing Civilized Values?

Today, despite the modern egalitarian ideals of a country's founding fathers, selfish individuals who lack in wisdom and knowledge - who think only of their immediate benefit - provoke ignorant, petty-minded people to discriminate and divide. They ignore the Humane Values of civilized people.
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Monday, March 4, 2019

A World Divided - 2: Ascent of Hypocrisy?

A World Divided - 2: Ascent of Hypocrisy?

Unbelievable! The narrow-mindedness, selfishness and hypocrisy involved! How can individuals in any country believed to be progressive who, while devoutly joining in celebrations and ceremonies of a religion that says all humans are created equal, encourage bigotry to divide people?
Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A World Divided - 1: Cranking-up Pettiness?

A World Divided - 1: Cranking-up Pettiness?

Despite all the advances in science and technology to which individuals from around the world have contributed, despite World Wars fought to uphold the dignity of man, despite the League of Nations and the United Nations, it remains a world divided.
Despite scientific evidence that man spread from Africa around the world and all differences evolved were climatic and circumstantial, despite the pleas of noble souls who walked this earth that all men are created equal, it remains a world divided.
The self-serving, even in today's supposed-to-be modern world, crank up pettiness to divide people for their own immediate benefit - with no thought of the consequences to others or the world.

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The World's Most Forgotten Dictum

The World's Most Forgotten Dictum

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!
That dictum for peace and goodwill among people was propagated by the noblest souls who walked this earth.
But, today, what's the world becoming? A place where lies are propagated as truth and truth as lies - where the heartless cheat, brag and bully to promote their own selfish agendas, damaging the noble ideals on which countries were founded, turning people against people, country against country?

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.


Friday, January 25, 2019

Lighting the Way to a United World!

Lighting the Way to a United World!
The French Revolution proclaimed the humanitarian ideals of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
Today, despite great advances in science and technology, the world is in disarray! Instead of further progress in civilizing the bigotry of unscientific mindsets and selfishness for immediate, short-term gains divide countries and people. In this 21st Century we ignore the Humane Values that can Unite people on this one earth we share!
I had seen India achieve Independence. And I had seen some of the problems the country faced from the outset. But, always, I had believed India had the talent and resources to rise...and join the world's elite developed nations. But talents were often misdirected and resources misappropriated. I wanted to find ways to overcome pettiness, malice, people-dividing mindsets, so that India could rise to full potential as a united, progressive modern the same time, light the way for every aspiring country to rise and join the world's truly modern nations. I scribbled ideas for a novel on the theme. After graduating from medical college in north India and marrying, my wife helped me on the novel. She typed my scribbles on a typewriter and discussed ideas with me. In time, over the years, she typed a 450-page tome. Years after she passed away I took it up again at my son's place in Oregon, bearing the pain of losing loved people including a daughter, and condensed it to 140 pages.
Instead of trying to find a publisher my son suggested I put it on Amazon books. From there readers around the world have downloaded the e-book or got a print copy (with bigger type-size, if required, for easier reading) home-delivered by Amazon. 
That in short is the story of writing our inspiring, futuristic novel called Dreams of One Country.
(All future rights - for translation into languages, publishing, movie script etc. - remain with me.)

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

On Writiing a New 'Unite-the-World!' Novel: Why? How?

On Writing a New 'Unite-the-World!' Novel: Why? How?

In my earlier blog Story of a Story: Tomorrow's United Rainbow of Nations! I had stated the forward purpose of the theme of the novel Dreams of One Country: That India's inspired ascent to join the developed elite nations lights a way of Hope for many countries, which could lead on to building a peaceful, humane world: a truly progressive rainbow of nations, helping each other when needed! Tomorrow's united world!
In fact, the League of Nations after World War I and the United Nations organization towards the end of World War II were both set up as foundations for building a peaceful, united and developed world. However those hopes remain unfulfilled. The countries of the world remain divided. Within countries  people remain divided. Acquiring wealth by any means remains priority objective. Walls within walls. And despite man's fantastic progress in varied fields of science and technology in the 20th and 21st centuries, including space exploration, old mindsets haven't changed.
Surely, human intelligence that made such amazing scientific progress possible can overcome people-dividing ideologies and fanaticism to build Tomorrow's World of developed nations. United. At peace. Sharing progressive objectives. Promoting the ideas of our shared humanity. And helping each other when needed. That in short is why I'm writing a new novel tentatively titled Dreams of One World.

Dreams of One Country (Amazon, Novel): Inspiring story of how the country's youth power India's ascent to join the world's most developed nations!
Click below to check out Dreams of One Country:
Contact: For translation or other rights of the novel kindly give details in Comments column of blog.