Why Asia Snails in Development
In the last 75 years - since the end of colonialism - how many Asian countries have joined the world's developed nations?
Singapore, certainly! The 4th most progressive place in the world, one ahead of the U.S. - which is ranked 5th. All due to the foresight and wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew. He strictly enforced laws to ensure people of different ethnic origins and faiths (Chinese, Malays, Indians etc.) without discrimination, lived in peace and contributed to the progress and prosperity of the city-state. The laws even cover hygiene in public places.And, for any misuse, the un-bribable Singapore police can mete out instant punishment with a cane.
Multi-storied buildings and international companies opening outlets to add to their profits don't make a developed nation. What's required is a transformation in attitudes of the country, so that the people learn to unite, to share and care for each other, to contribute to building an exemplary country.
In Denmark, which tops the list of developed countries, taxes are high. But all education and medical care are free for every citizen.
Ms. Jagjit Daniel's novel Dreams of One Country: India Rises! (at present on Amazon; print publishing and movie rights available): The sensational story based in real historic events of Priya Jha's humanitarian campaign inspiring youth to unite and launch India's ascent...to join the world's developed nations!