India's Happy Crow Song!
'If ever there were a people who have
everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who
need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India
Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn
As never before India's citizens continue to dump their garbage on the street, preferably away from their houses and nearer a neighbor's. If it's open garbage the crows (we'll leave pariah dogs out of this story) have easy access. If it's in plastic bags, their first morning job is to peck open those bags. And then the Crow Talk begins.
Crow 1: 'Anything special today?'
Crow 2: 'Yaw! Yaw! Here's some rotten pulao!'
Crow3: Naw! Naw! This is better. Fungated cake!'
Crow 4: 'Any rotten fruit? Doc Crow says fruit are good for health.'
Crow 5: 'You got it, brawther! Here's some completely rotten papayaw!'
And all the Crows sing in chorus: Yaw! Yaw! Yaw! What a happy dawn! Oh, what a happy dawn! Awl thanks to the Crow-loving folk of Indiaw!