Tuesday, March 22, 2016

India-Made Illusions 3: QualityTest

India-Made Illusions 3: QualityTest

That differentiating citizens as superior or inferior by caste in no way hinders India from becoming one of the most developed nations. No! Citizens are equal in developed countries like Denmark. This is a huge hurdle on our road to progress. Caste divisions are strong in villages. Even in cities there is a tacit acceptance of caste, specially when it comes to marriage. People's thinking must modernize for India to rise. 


To discover a new India where people come together as one to build a an enlightened nation - an India that could have been and still can be - journey through Dreams of One Country (Amazon Books).


Monday, March 21, 2016

India-Made Illusions 2: Dimocracy

India-Made Illusions 2: Dimocracy

That opting for Democracy and giving all citizens the right to vote makes a country a Democracy. No! What matters is what happens there in every day reality. A real Democracy is committed to defend the 'life and liberty' of every citizen without exception - including the poorest and weakest.

To discover a new India whose people rise to build a true Democracy - an India that could have been built and still can be - journey through Dreams of One Country (Amazon Books).


Sunday, March 20, 2016

India-Made Illusions 1: Corruptdom

India-Made Illusions 1: Corruptdom

C for corruption. That India will soon become a developed country - without rooting out the systemic corruption, from cops on the street to high officialdom.
The happiest country in the world today is the one that's most developed: Denmark. India lags way behind in development and on the happiness meter.

To discover a new India whose people rise against corruption to build the country on talent - an India that could have been built and still can be - journey through Dreams of One Country (Amazon).


Friday, March 4, 2016

Free India ki Lambi Kahani

Free India ki Lambi Kahani!

The major  problem in developing India to the level of the world's best-developed nations is India's divided heart. That obstacle was partly overcome during the freedom struggle. But once we revelled in freedom the country returned to the same state.
What divides India's heart? It's a state of mind (among many folk, not all) that necessitates looking down on other Indians - by money-worth (today it's showing-off houses, foreign cars, breed dogs, gold jewellery, clothes, mobiles etc., particularly in neighbourhoods), as well as language, region, religion, caste and other immature reasons. A compulsion that splinters India's heart into bits and continues to waste time in India rising to her true talent potential
India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from Amazon.com on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EMOAMQM and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

Facing India Realities!

Facing India Realities!

It's a mystery indeed! What does India want? What do her people want? Today? Tomorrow?  Do they want a state of Endless Turmoil? Or Peace and Real Development by wisely channeling their talents. How many of them have an idea of what a really developed country is? How many of them think of India's tomorrow? Can drifting from day to day on the whims of every day pettiness lift any country to the heights?

To seek world stardom India needs a bond of basic humanity to unite the people. No country whose people do not come together as 'one country' can become a truly developed society.
India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from Amazon.com on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EMOAMQM and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

India Must Rise!

India Must Rise!

No amount of pretending to be developed, no self-praise, no bragging, no propaganda - without doing hard, well-planned, long-term work at the ground level to change old conditions and attitudes - can lift a country to the heights.

India Must Rise on her Talents...by Aiming High!
India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from Amazon.com on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EMOAMQM and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.