Saturday, November 19, 2016

India's Happy Crow Song!

India's Happy Crow Song!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn 

As never before India's citizens continue to dump their garbage on the street, preferably away from their houses and nearer a neighbor's. If it's open garbage the crows (we'll leave pariah dogs out of this story) have easy access. If it's in plastic bags, their first morning job is to peck open those bags. And then the Crow Talk begins.
Crow 1: 'Anything special today?'
Crow 2: 'Yaw! Yaw! Here's some rotten pulao!'
Crow3: Naw! Naw! This is better. Fungated cake!'
Crow 4: 'Any rotten fruit? Doc Crow says fruit are good for health.'
Crow 5: 'You got it, brawther! Here's some completely rotten papayaw!'
And all the Crows sing in chorus: Yaw! Yaw! Yaw! What a happy dawn! Oh, what a happy dawn! Awl thanks to the Crow-loving folk of Indiaw!   


Friday, November 18, 2016

Chaos Country!

Chaos Country!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn 

A completely ill-planned, disorganized demonetization campaign by the country's central bank is preventing people across India from withdrawing money from their own bank accounts to pay for their daily roti and rice. Call it Chaos Country!


Saturday, November 5, 2016

First International Time-Wasting Olympics

First International Time-Wasting Olympics

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.

Preparations have been going on for the first ever International Time-Wasting Olympics and the games are about to begin. Intense competition is expected from Fancy Phone Tap-Tappers, Expert Face-Driifters and Twitterbugs to decide the Gold, Silver and Bronze in prolific Time-Wasting. The hope of Organizers of this unique Olympics is that a few great winners will be discovered - who waste all twenty four hours of their day! Every day!
Astonishingly, India, a country with one of the highest poverty levels, has more competitors in this Olympic arena than the most developed countries. Bravo, India! Go for Gold!


Friday, October 28, 2016

Will Lefty Handshakes Modernize India?

Will Lefty Handshakes Modernize India?

Go east, west, north, south. Anywhere in this country, in deals involving officialdom or their minions, the right hand makes the payment of actual dues. A lefty handshake passes on the lubricant money that is required to ensure the deals go through. Without those lefty handshakes (or shakedowns?) the deals get bogged down in unexpected complications and even, yes, your files may be lost forever. Can a country where such bribery is accepted a normal every day fact of life develop into a civilized modern democracy?
Essential for that is the kind of India inspired by the amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty in Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): A 'New India' Novel India Rises!


Thursday, October 27, 2016

India's Top-Rank Sports!

India's Top-Rank Sports...and Pastimes!

If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.

None to beat cricket, but two other all-too popular sports - though without the benefit of any organized high publicity competitions like the IPL - are Showing Off and Hoodwinking others for profit (or Swindling). Hope they start big money competitions like ISOL and IHL!!!


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Will Divided Hearts Modernize India?

Will Divided Hearts Modernize India?

Can a country with hearts splintered by narrow-minded antagonisms - over language, region, sharing river water, religion, caste etc. - where the common attitude instead of 'One for All!' and 'All for One!' is 'None for All!' and 'All for None!' - develop into a truly modern nation?

Not a chance.

Essential for that is kind of India inspired by the amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty in Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): A 'New India' Novel India Rises!


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Will Hunter-itis Modernize India?

Will Hunter-itis Modernize India?

If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.

 The biggest -itis spread out across India today is hunter-itis, the search for opportunities to pick up assets, either financial or property, whether it belongs to the government or a 'friend.' An -itis of the grab what one can get away with mentality, it includes any means, including taking advantage of unsuspecting people and cheating. The  grabber congratulates himself on the cleverness that enabled him to succeed. Of course, such cleverness deserves a Masters or Doctorate in Lack of Morals. I have seen parts of pavement and sea beach taken over by grabbers for their own use, even public or private land and property. It doesn't matter where in India: such attitudes are the same 

No country that ignores principles and 'conscience' - where failing morals is a normal way of life - can hope to rise as a truly modern, developed nation.


Monday, October 10, 2016

India's Worthiest Citizens Today!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.

India's Worthiest Citizens Today!

No Indian who does not have a mobile phone, an all-purpose (though it's still not edible!) phone, to tap-tap on while walking around on the street is a worthy citizen of the country.
No Indian who has less cars than his neighbor is a worthy citizen of the country.
No Indian who has less high-breed dogs than his neighbor is a worthy citizen of the country.
No Indian who is not on Facebook is a worthy citizen of the country.
No Indian who doesn't have a new unbreakable-glass modern-day palace to live in is a worthy citizen of this country.

That makes it abundantly clear who are India's Worthiest Citizens Today! Right?

But what about all those people who have an ordinary mobile phone bought with money borrowed from a loan shark, who have no cars or breed dogs, who call a shanty-town hut their home...whose main worry is about their family's next meal?   
Oh, those! Totally unworthy...not worth wasting your time thinking about. Forget them! In fact, as far as all Worthy Indians are concerned, they don't exist!


Thursday, October 6, 2016

India's Self-Geniused Executives!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.


India's Self-Geniused Executives!

A less public aspect of the craving to show-off or brag are India's self-geniused company executives. Young executives create an air of being geniuses by techniques like ill-treating or insulting subordinates and treating colleagues as nitwits. At the same they grab good ideas they hear from a colleague, run to senior officers and present the ideas as their own before the colleague gets a chance. I have already described an example of such genius cheats in Buffalo's Rumpanathan and Mr Sneeze.
It's very difficult for colleagues to have any discussions with these geniuses...who are so preoccupied with geniotic thinking that they tend to look through ordinary colleagues. These Indian-style cheats are also expert tale-carriers. Colleagues have to be careful what they say in their hearing because the geniuses will run to the senior officer and add some masala to make it seem the junior was insulting the boss. If the senior is from a developed country he does not understand what the Indian genius is up to, because such crookery does not happen in civilized countries and he assumes the genius airs put on by the junior are indeed signs of the young man's brilliance.

Another aspect of the aerial Indian executive is the founder/head of a successful company. As his company rises higher he himself rises into a more and more rarefied atmosphere, where he can be accessed only by other company heads... or the Hubble Telescope...or, maybe, the gods!


Thursday, September 22, 2016

India Highway Signs - Order: In!

India Highway Signs - Order: In!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
From Priya Jha's campaign to arouse India in Dreams of One Country, Amazon, Books 140 pp.

Highway Sign 3 - Order: In!

Laws are essential for the smooth, orderly functioning of a country. Where laws are easily flouted and people are used to flouting them - whether it's in traffic or in their dealings - the result is a disorderly country.  

Can a disorderly country become a developed nation? The answer is obvious. So the clear Highway Sign 3 for India's future is Order: In!


Saturday, September 3, 2016

India Highway Signs - Bribe-All: Out!

India Highway Signs - Bribe-All: Out!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
From Priya Jha's impassioned plea to wake-up India in Dreams of One Country, Amazon: Books 140 pp.

Highway Sign 2 - Bribe-All: Out!

Systemic bribery, where anyone with any authority expects bribes to do anything, and where a public used to only that system docilely goes on bribing. And it doesn't matter where in India, attitudes are the same. That 'normal' vicious cycle of corruption must end if India has any desire to progress.  

Can any country that ignores ethics ever build a truly modern, developed nation? So the clear Highway Sign 2 for India's future is Bribe-All: Out!


Monday, August 29, 2016

Sadly, no Self-Lifting in Rio Olympics

Sadly, no Self-Lifting in Rio Olympics

Self-Lifting, sadly, has not yet been added on as an Olympic Sport. Not at Rio anyway. But whenever that happens, it will mean a guaranteed Gold, possibly even Silver and Bronze, for some of India's showing-off and bragging champions!


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

HighWay Signs: A Loot India Story!

HighWay Signs: A Loot India Story!

'If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.'
From Priya Jha's impassioned plea to arouse the people: Dreams of One Country, Amazon: Books 140 pp.

HighWay Signs: 'Grab: Out!'
But here's a story of Grabbing Crores that many people will remember. In those days India was going mobile crazy. Even auto-wallahs and housemaids acquired them. Then mobile owners got messages that if they paid a 1000/- rupees they would get lifetime free incoming calls. Millions of Indians paid a thousand rupees for free incoming. I spent Rs 3000/-. Then, at the end of a year, we got messages saying all incoming would henceforth be free on all mobiles. (Quite possibly the government had earlier decided incoming on all mobiles should be free, just as in the landlines.) Were those who paid a 1000/- each compensated in any way? Did the government take any action? So many hundred crores were cheated from India's people! The objective in this Indian rope-trick was the one I described in the last post. Grab whatever one can get away with!

No country that ignores principles and 'conscience' can build a truly modern, developed nation? The clear Highway Sign for India's future is Grabbing: Out!


Saturday, August 20, 2016

Specialist CWashers and DWalkers

Specialist CWashers and DWalkers

In the showing-off game of those have the means in India the morning begins with the carwashing ceremony. Their cars come out of the garages on to the road for display. Specialist carwashers arrive and give the cars a thorough wash, often better than the car owners bathe themselves. Meanwhile specialist dog walkers arrive to take the show-offers' high breed dogs for a display which they freely dirty up the neighborhood. Things that can't be done in countries like America. You can't get paid car-washers or dog-walkers. And you can't miss the warning signs. You're expected to carry a scoop and container and take your dog's byproducts home for disposal. Which only proves how free this country is! Not only breed dogs but homeless dogs and destitute humans (whom no one else cares about) can freely use any public space to relieve themselves.

Whoops! Isn't that the ultimate in freedom?


Sunday, June 19, 2016

A New Dawn at 70? Wake Up, India!

A New Dawn at 70? Wake Up, India!

If ever there were a people who have everything needed to succeed, it's us. If ever there were a people who need to be saved from themselves, it's us.
'From A 'New India' Novel, Dreams of One Country (Amazon - Books): India Rises! An amazing young woman's campaign for Humaneness-Honesty ushers India's New Dawn.

Most certainly India has the resources and talents to become a truly modern, developed nation. What has held her back for 70 years? When will she wake up to see her true potential? Can drifting day to day on the whims of pettiness lift any country to the heights? The answer of course is: ' No!' What has held India back so far? First, divisiveness among the people - by language, region, caste, creed etc. And the tendency to celebrate imaginary success. And the inclination to take advantage of others for selfish benefit. To this day in parts of the country obsolete practices like child marriage continue. So does 'dowry' harassment, driving so many wives to suicide. Even the educated fail to question their attitudes, however illogical or harsh. The latest Walk Free Foundation report again underlines democracy's failure to progress in decades of freedom. India tops the report's Global Slavery Index. Of  a 2.2 billion population, 18.3 million citizens are subjected to varied kinds of exploitation and cruelty. Worst affected are children, women and low castes. No wonder the Human Development Index of UNDP ranks India 130th among 185 countries of the world.

Today those who have the means assume that malls, foreign cars, power motor-bikes, high-rises and mobiles have already elevated India to a high level of development. They are India's foremost non-official braggers - their priority pastime is showing off their big acquisitions, ignoring the many citizens whose daily concerns are food and survival. Bragging only helps India pretend she's developing. Think of the way Japan rose after WWII. Not a word of self-praise or propaganda. In just 10 years it was left to the world to realize how much Japan had achieved  The big 'talkers' are usually not 'doers.'

No amount of self-praise, sloganeering or propaganda will lift India to the heights. Real development requires a change of attitudes, expert planning and hard work. India will rise as a developed democracy if her people come together as equals, a country whose people feel and care for each other. It needs serious introspection. A great 'change of heart.' It's the only way.
That One Way will surely take India to a new dawn. To elite nationhood.
That way is a street called CARING HEART STREET.



Tuesday, March 22, 2016

India-Made Illusions 3: QualityTest

India-Made Illusions 3: QualityTest

That differentiating citizens as superior or inferior by caste in no way hinders India from becoming one of the most developed nations. No! Citizens are equal in developed countries like Denmark. This is a huge hurdle on our road to progress. Caste divisions are strong in villages. Even in cities there is a tacit acceptance of caste, specially when it comes to marriage. People's thinking must modernize for India to rise. 


To discover a new India where people come together as one to build a an enlightened nation - an India that could have been and still can be - journey through Dreams of One Country (Amazon Books).


Monday, March 21, 2016

India-Made Illusions 2: Dimocracy

India-Made Illusions 2: Dimocracy

That opting for Democracy and giving all citizens the right to vote makes a country a Democracy. No! What matters is what happens there in every day reality. A real Democracy is committed to defend the 'life and liberty' of every citizen without exception - including the poorest and weakest.

To discover a new India whose people rise to build a true Democracy - an India that could have been built and still can be - journey through Dreams of One Country (Amazon Books).


Sunday, March 20, 2016

India-Made Illusions 1: Corruptdom

India-Made Illusions 1: Corruptdom

C for corruption. That India will soon become a developed country - without rooting out the systemic corruption, from cops on the street to high officialdom.
The happiest country in the world today is the one that's most developed: Denmark. India lags way behind in development and on the happiness meter.

To discover a new India whose people rise against corruption to build the country on talent - an India that could have been built and still can be - journey through Dreams of One Country (Amazon).


Friday, March 4, 2016

Free India ki Lambi Kahani

Free India ki Lambi Kahani!

The major  problem in developing India to the level of the world's best-developed nations is India's divided heart. That obstacle was partly overcome during the freedom struggle. But once we revelled in freedom the country returned to the same state.
What divides India's heart? It's a state of mind (among many folk, not all) that necessitates looking down on other Indians - by money-worth (today it's showing-off houses, foreign cars, breed dogs, gold jewellery, clothes, mobiles etc., particularly in neighbourhoods), as well as language, region, religion, caste and other immature reasons. A compulsion that splinters India's heart into bits and continues to waste time in India rising to her true talent potential
India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

Facing India Realities!

Facing India Realities!

It's a mystery indeed! What does India want? What do her people want? Today? Tomorrow?  Do they want a state of Endless Turmoil? Or Peace and Real Development by wisely channeling their talents. How many of them have an idea of what a really developed country is? How many of them think of India's tomorrow? Can drifting from day to day on the whims of every day pettiness lift any country to the heights?

To seek world stardom India needs a bond of basic humanity to unite the people. No country whose people do not come together as 'one country' can become a truly developed society.
India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

India Must Rise!

India Must Rise!

No amount of pretending to be developed, no self-praise, no bragging, no propaganda - without doing hard, well-planned, long-term work at the ground level to change old conditions and attitudes - can lift a country to the heights.

India Must Rise on her Aiming High!
India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Why SeaLevels, Meanness Rise!

 Why SeaLevels, Meanness Rise!

The world's sea levels are rising due to global warming.

And the world's meanness levels are rising due to frozen mindsets.

India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

India BigShot 1: Billionaire!

India BigShot 1: Billionaire!

This is a true story. It proves that the easy way to become a billionaire in India is to Undo India. 
If you met the man in the early days you would notice that all he had was one tablet-making machine. To demonstrate his clout he would surely take you to the Drug Controller's Office. From the gate and up the steps of 4 or 5 storeys every staff member you passed would salute him. In his office the Drug Controller would stand up to greet him - like a long-lost brother.
If you gave it a thought and checked up (as I did...before I quit after a brief stint as his new product advisor), you would understand the nature of the business. The man bribed everyone from watchman up at the Drug Controller's Office. And with the Controller's approval he bought up poor quality or spurious drugs from other shady operators and supplied them to the government and municipal hospitals in the state.   
From that auspicious (ho! ha!) beginning the man built a drug company. Today he's a billionaire, looking for green pastures in the West.

Does that man ever stop to think how many lives or how many families he hurt or destroyed by supplying spurious drugs?

He rose by Undoing India. 

India's destiny unveiled - on Amazon!
Revolutionary Theme: A story to inspire India, Dreams of One Country is about a beautiful and amazing young woman who leads the country's transformation into a truly modern and enlightened nation. Download from on any device - like I-phone, pad or computer.
For a quick preview click here: and then on the http which appears, and next on the book's cover picture.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

India's Second Everest!


Yes, India has a second world-beater peak. Indeed, it's a physical peak - the Everest of showing-off. Before it showing-off cars (3-car owners looking down on 2-car owners; 2-car owners looking down on 1-car owners; everyone looking down on no-car owners), foreign brand clothes, breed dogs etc. to each other in the neighbourhood is nothing. It's a single family home that rises 25-stories on a Mumbai landmark, making it eligible for entry in the Guinness Book of Records.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Modern India Rope-Trick!!?

Modern India Rope-Trick!!?

How many times since Independence has an international agency, recognizing India''s talent potential, predicted that in the next ten to twenty years she would be the fastest developing country?

When will the people realize that only a just and caring society (not pretensions and showing-off; not propaganda and self-promotion) which upholds the basic ideas of humanity for all her people can become truly developed?
There's no easy Rope-Trick Climb to Development.
Failure to learn historic lessons makes it difficult for India to rise much higher than her  135th rank among 185 countries in the Human Development Index rating of UNDP. Obviously, growing economic or military power is not enough. That is why Russia, yesterday’s superpower and the first country to send a manned satellite into space (Yuri Gagarin in the first Sputnik) still remains a developing BRIC.

It's left to us to decide how long we want to remain a BRIC.
